Estonia Pajustik

Egerd Pajustik

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Linesman FIFA Since:2015

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coachNLvan Zijtveld5.0 (2)
coachNLvan Zijtveld5.0 (2)
My Line-upMan.Utd by Oscar
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List of games of linesman Pajustik

Games on database
    17-Sep-19UEFA Youth Lge uefa Group H - M.1Ajax 4:0 Lille 2Tarajev     598
    24-Oct-18UEFA Youth Lge uefa Round 1 - M.3HJK 1:2 Altınordu 1Tarajev     450
    07-Sep-18UEFA U21 Qual fifa Group 6 - M.13Malta 0:4 Belgium 2Tarajev     205

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