England Whitaker

Ryan Whitaker

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List of games of linesman Whitaker

Games on database
    29-Mar-25League One League - M.39Charlton - Huddersfd 2Bourne     ?
    15League One League - M.37Cambridge 0:1 Peterboro 1Duckworth     ?
    04League One League - M.35Wycombe 2:0 Burton 1Chilowicz     3456
    01FA Trophy Quarter-finals - M.4Sittinbne 0:3 Aldershot 1Bannister     1300
    25-Feb-25League Two League - M.26Gillinghm 1:2 Fleetwood 1Young     5370
    15League Two League - M.32Wimbledon 1:0 Salford 1Young     7739
    08League Two League - M.31MK Dons 0:1 Bromley 1Durkin, J     6972
    01League One League - M.30Stevenage 4:1 Exeter 1Yates     3094
    18-Jan-25Nat.League League - M.28Maidenhd 4:1 AFC Fylde 2Barlow     1017
    14FA Cup Third Round - M.5L Orient 1:1 Derby 1Speedie     8279
    04FA Trophy Fourth Round - M.2Southend 1:0 Southport 2Copeland     3113
    17-Dec-24EFL Trophy Second Round - M.4Peterboro 3:0 Northmptn 1Oldham, J     2549
    03League Two League - M.18Wimbledon 2:2 Newport 1Swabey     6519
    01FA Cup Second Round - M.4Reading 5:3 Harboro T 2Bourne     7916
    23-Nov-24Nat.League League - M.19Barnet 2:0 Woking 1Swallow     1532
    12EFL Trophy South Group D - M.3Stevenage 1:1 Gillinghm 2Simpson, S     832
    02FA Cup First Round - M.3Maidenhd 1:2 Crawley 1Parkinson     1814
    12-Oct-24FA Cup 4th Qualifying Round - M.1Aldershot 2:1 Bath City 1Cartmel     ?
    05Nat.League League - M.13Woking 1:1 York 2Gill     2361
    21-Sep-24Nat.League League - M.10Wealdston 0:3 Barnet 1Purkiss     2590
    14League Two League - M.6Gillinghm 3:0 Tranmere 2Finnie     6660
    24-Aug-24League Two League - M.3MK Dons 3:0 Carlisle 1Hallam     6399
    20Nat.League League - M.3Southend 2:0 Boston 1Dale     6924
    17Nat.League League - M.2Ebbsfleet 1:2 Barnet 1Copeland     1636
    20-Apr-24League One League - M.45Charlton 1:1 Shrewsbry 2Middleton     15187
    06League Two League - M.43Sutton U 1:3 Stockport 2Gill     3852
    29-Mar-24League Two League - M.41MK Dons 5:0 Walsall 2Duckworth     8121
    09League One League - M.37Oxford U 2:1 Cheltnham 2Edwards     8738
    20-Feb-24League One League - M.28Reading 2:0 Port Vale 1Joyce     10004
    13League Two League - M.33Gillinghm 2:2 Swindon 1Bourne     2260
    27-Jan-24League One League - M.30Bristol R 3:1 Oxford U 2Speedie     9363
    13League Two League - M.28Crawley 0:1 Salford 1Bourne     2970
    29-Dec-23League One League - M.25L Orient 0:0 Wycombe 2Miles     8648
    02FA Cup Second Round - M.5Maidstone 2:1 Barrow 2Rock     2903
    25-Nov-23League One League - M.19L Orient 1:1 Wigan 2Purkiss     8517
    11League One League - M.17Wycombe 0:1 Stevenage 1Speedie     4936
    05FA Cup First Round - M.3Charlton 1:1 Cray Vall 1Speedie     6721
    28-Oct-23League One League - M.16Cambridge 1:0 Carlisle 2Purkiss     6513
    24League One League - M.15Northmptn 2:2 L Orient 1Miles     6193
    07League Two League - M.12Sutton U 4:0 Walsall 1Duckworth     3009
    30-Sep-23League Two League - M.10MK Dons 0:1 Harrogate 1Coy     5251
    19EFL Trophy South Group C - M.1Wycombe 1:0 C Palace 1Purkiss     442
    15-Apr-23League Two League - M.42Sutton U 0:2 L Orient 1Oldham, J     4828
    10League Two League - M.41Colchestr 4:0 Crewe 1Finnie     4158
    07League One League - M.40Oxford U 1:1 Sheff.Wed 2Welch     10238
    28-Mar-23League Two League - M.26Wimbledon 2:0 Walsall 1Speedie     6809
    11League Two League - M.36Swindon 1:2 Carlisle 2Purkiss     9330
    04League Two League - M.35Sutton U 1:1 Crewe 1Middleton     3594
    25-Feb-23League Two League - M.34Gillinghm 2:1 Wimbledon 2Hair     7453
    11League One League - M.31MK Dons 1:1 Oxford U 2Kitchen     9116
    29-Dec-22League One League - M.24Peterboro 2:0 MK Dons 2Rock     ?
    10League One League - M.21Cambridge 0:0 Plymouth 2Gill     5546
    08FA Cup Second Round - M.6Gillinghm 3:2 Dagenham 2Kirk     1533
    22-Oct-22League Two League - M.16Swindon 2:1 Hartlepol 2Drysdale     8527
    08League Two League - M.14Colchestr 2:1 Harrogate 1Hicks     2750
    04EFL Trophy South Group B - M.2Portsmth 5:0 A.Villa 2Young     2805
    20-Sep-22EFL Trophy South Group B - M.2Wimbledon 3:2 Crawley 2Purkiss     903
    17League One League - M.10Cambridge 0:3 Barnsley 2Bourne     6138
    30-Aug-22EFL Trophy South Group H - M.1Ipswich 6:0 Northmptn 1Reeves     5342
    27League One League - M.6Cheltnham 1:2 Oxford U 2Breakspear     4554
    16League One League - M.4Portsmth 4:1 Cambridge 1Pollard     17702
    14PL2 M.2Brighton 1:1 Liverpool 2Durkin, J     146
    09League Cup First Round - M.1MK Dons 1:0 Sutton U 1Breakspear     2263
    06Nat.League League - M.1Barnet 2:0 Halifax 2Ellis     1286
    15-Mar-22League Two League - M.37Swindon 2:1 Sutton U 2Boyeson     8243
    12League Two League - M.36Stevenage 0:2 Newport 2Toner     2733
    08League One League - M.25MK Dons 3:1 Cheltnham 1Hicks     6894
    26-Feb-22League One League - M.36Oxford U 4:2 Cambridge 2Breakspear     10004
    19League Two League - M.33Northmptn 3:0 Colchestr 1Oldham     5309
    08League One League - M.32Wimbledon 0:1 Rotherham 2Breakspear     6387
    08-Jan-22FA Cup Third Round - M.7Bor.Wood 2:0 Wimbledon 1Bell     3501
    04-Dec-21FA Cup Second Round - M.5L Orient 4:0 Tranmere 2Oldham, J     3248
    30-Nov-21EFL Trophy Second Round - M.4Sutton U 0:0 Stevenage 2Purkiss     770
    23League Two League - M.18Colchestr 3:1 Exeter 2Nield     2028
    07FA Cup First Round - M.3St Albans 3:2 Forest GR 2Madley, R     4100
    30-Oct-21League One League - M.16Cambridge 1:0 Wimbledon 2Reeves     5609
    23League Two League - M.14Stevenage 0:0 L Orient 1Bell     3544
    19League One League - M.14Oxford U 2:0 Shrewsbry 2Hicks     5763
    05EFL Trophy South Group A - M.2Gillinghm 0:2 Ipswich 2Kettle     1116
    25-Sep-21League Two League - M.9Swindon 0:0 Colchestr 2Kitchen     8436
    04NL.South League - M.5Ebbsfleet 1:2 Havant 1Watkins     1214
    30-Aug-21Nat.League League - M.3Bromley 3:0 Eastleigh 2Wood     1521
    24League Cup Second Round - M.2Stevenage 2:2 Wycombe 2Bourne     1934
    21League One League - M.4Gillinghm 2:1 Morecambe 1Nield     3789
    17League One League - M.3Portsmth 1:0 Shrewsbry 1Kettle     14471
    27-Mar-21League Two League - M.38Stevenage 2:1 Barrow 2Adcock     closed
    23League Two League - M.22Colchestr 2:2 Tranmere 2Bourne     closed
    16League One League - M.12Oxford U 3:0 Doncaster 1Toner     closed
    27-Feb-21League One League - M.32Wimbledon 0:3 Hull City 2Hicks     closed
    23League Two League - M.31Cambridge 0:1 Cheltnham 1Oldham, J     closed
    16League One League - M.20Ipswich 0:0 Northmptn 2Drysdale     closed
    06League One League - M.28Swindon 0:1 Shrewsbry 1Coggins     closed
    26-Jan-21League One League - M.26Peterboro 0:0 Bristol R 2Salisbury     closed
    16League Two League - M.24Stevenage 0:0 Tranmere 2Swabey     closed
    29-Dec-20League Two League - M.21Colchestr 0:0 Cheltnham 2Rock     closed
    15League One League - M.18Portsmth 0:0 Fleetwood 2Young     2000
    02League One League - M.15Wimbledon 2:1 Peterboro 1Johnson     closed
    07-Nov-20FA Cup First Round - M.1Gillinghm 3:2 Woking 1Sarginson     closed
    27-Oct-20League One League - M.9Portsmth 4:0 Northmptn 1Kettle     closed
    17League Two League - M.6L Orient 2:3 Grimsby 1Nield     closed
    03League One League - M.4Wimbledon 1:2 Accringtn 1Pollard     closed
    08-Sep-20EFL Trophy South Group H - M.1Cambridge 2:0 Fulham 2Drysdale     862
    05League Cup First Round - M.1Crawley 1:3 Millwall 1Rock     closed
    14-Mar-20League Two League - M.38Colchestr - Scunthorp 1Oldham     ?
    29-Feb-20League One League - M.36Oxford U 2:1 Southend 2Swabey     7451
    15League One League - M.34Gillinghm 2:1 Doncaster 2Smith, J     4754
    11League Two League - M.33Northmptn 0:1 Swindon 1Nield     5759
    01League Two League - M.31Stevenage 0:3 L Orient 1Salisbury     4357
    18-Jan-20League Two League - M.28Colchestr 2:1 Macclesfd 2Rock     3252
    11League One League - M.27Ipswich 4:1 Accringtn 2Breakspear     17536
    29-Dec-19League One League - M.24Gillinghm 1:0 Rochdale 2Rock     4761
    26League One League - M.23Southend 2:2 MK Dons 2Hair     6189
    01FA Cup Second Round - M.3Crawley 1:2 Fleetwood 1Donohue     2000
    23-Nov-19League One League - M.19Wycombe 1:0 Doncaster 2Salisbury, M     4875
    09FA Cup First Round - M.1MK Dons 0:1 Port Vale 1Hicks     ?
    23-Oct-19League One League - M.15Peterboro 4:0 Accringtn 2Purkiss     5843
    12League One League - M.13Bristol R 1:0 MK Dons 1Backhouse     7864
    28-Sep-19League Two League - M.11Stevenage 1:1 Cambridge 2Finnie     3452
    21League One League - M.10Gillinghm 0:1 Ipswich 2Sarginson     7214
    07League One League - M.7Bristol R 3:3 Accringtn 2Hair     6524
    24-Aug-19League Two League - M.5Cambridge 1:2 Oldham 2Oldham     4004
    17League One League - M.3Wycombe 3:2 MK Dons 2Kettle     5243
    27-Apr-19Nat.League League - M.46Bromley 5:1 Ebbsfleet 2Brook     1352
    19Nat.League League - M.44Dagenham 2:0 Eastleigh 2Dale     1315
    12-Mar-19Nat.League League - M.38Aldershot 1:2 L Orient 2Brook     1989
    09-Feb-19Nat.League League - M.33Aldershot 1:3 Eastleigh 2Pollard     2096
    17-Nov-18Nat.League League - M.20L Orient 3:1 Bromley 2Hulme     6058
    03Nat.League League - M.19Barnet 0:2 Maidstone 1Hull     1424
    30-Oct-18Nat.League League - M.18Sutton U 1:1 Chesterfd 2Rock     1852
    25-Sep-18Nat.League League - M.13Eastleigh 1:0 Bor.Wood 2Yianni     1306
    04Nat.League League - M.9Dover Ath 1:1 Ebbsfleet 2Purkiss     1127
    25-Aug-18Nat.League League - M.6Sutton U 0:0 AFC Fylde 1Bourne     1770
    21-Apr-18Nat.League League - M.45Dagenham 1:0 Maidenhd 2Yianni     1433
    30-Mar-18Nat.League League - M.41Bor.Wood 0:0 Barrow 2Bramall     623
    27-Jan-18Nat.League League - M.31Eastleigh 4:3 Hartlepol 1Hulme     2153
    01Nat.League League - M.28Dagenham 0:0 L Orient 2Young     3144
    11-Nov-17Nat.League League - M.19Bor.Wood 0:0 Hartlepol 2Lucas     773
    16-Sep-17Nat.League League - M.11Woking 2:0 Sutton U 1Pollard     2193
    05-Aug-17Nat.League League - M.1Woking 2:1 Gateshead 2Bromley     1705

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