Japan Nakano

Taku Nakano

Linesman Since:2003
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List of games of linesman Nakano

Games on database
    30-Nov-24J1-League M.37Kashiwa 1:1 Kobe 2Mikuriya     13700
    09J1-League M.36Tosu 1:2 YokohamaM 2Iida     9479
    19-Oct-24J1-League M.34C Osaka 1:2 Iwata 2Shimizu, H     17021
    28-Sep-24J1-League M.32Shonan 3:2 Kashima 1Shimizu, H     11404
    26-Jun-24J1-League M.20Kobe 0:0 Machida 2Nishimura     16517
    19-May-24J1-League M.15Iwata 1:1 Urawa 2Nishimura     20861
    15J1-League M.14Niigata 3:1 YokohamaM 2Fukushima     15065
    06J1-League M.12Hiroshima 2:3 Nagoya 2Mikuriya     25193
    06-Aug-23J1-League M.22Kawasaki 3:4 G Osaka 2Tanimoto     20162
    16-Jul-23J1-League M.21C Osaka 2:0 Urawa 1Yamamoto     21007
    01J1-League M.19FC Tokyo 1:0 Kashiwa 1Kasahara     20571
    11-Jun-23J1-League M.17Kashima 1:0 Shonan 1Ueda     13169
    20-May-23J1-League M.14Kashima 1:1 FC Tokyo 2Tanimoto     17589
    10J1-League M.10Urawa 0:2 Tosu 2Kimura     17970
    23-Apr-23J1-League M.9C Osaka 1:0 Kashiwa 1Ueda     10673
    08J1-League M.7YokohamaM 5:0 YokohamaC 2Kimura     25238
    18-Mar-23J1-League M.5Kawasaki 0:0 C Osaka 1Okabe     19054
    04J1-League M.3Fukuoka 1:0 Kashiwa 1Tanimoto     6210
    18-Feb-23J1-League M.1Hiroshima 0:0 Sapporo 1Mikuriya     13121
    29-Oct-22J1-League M.33Hiroshima 1:2 Sapporo 1Nakamura     18106
    01J1-League M.31Nagoya 0:4 YokohamaM 1Matsuo     24906
    17-Sep-22J1-League M.30Shonan 0:0 Urawa 1Okabe     11594
    10J1-League M.29Kobe 0:0 Nagoya 1Shimizu, H     14223
    21-Aug-22J1-League M.26Shonan 1:1 Kashima 1Imamura, Y     10781
    06J1-League M.24Nagoya 3:0 Urawa 2Iida     33005
    30-Jul-22J1-League M.23C Osaka 2:0 Fukuoka 1Kimura     8346
    10J1-League M.21Nagoya 0:2 Shimizu 1Inoue     12904
    06J1-League M.20Urawa 2:2 Kyoto 1Nakamura     15921
    25-Jun-22J1-League M.18YokohamaM 4:0 Kashiwa 1Iida     23368
    18J1-League M.17Shonan 2:0 FC Tokyo 1Inoue     10733
    25-May-22J1-League M.15YokohamaM 2:0 Kyoto 1Nakamura     7335
    14J1-League M.13Kashiwa 0:1 G Osaka 1Shimizu, H     8817
    03J1-League M.11Kashima 3:1 Iwata 1Shimizu, H     26493
    10-Apr-22J1-League M.8FC Tokyo 0:0 Urawa 1Mikuriya     22429
    02J1-League M.6G Osaka 3:1 Nagoya 1Fukushima     13685
    06-Mar-22J1-League M.3C Osaka 0:1 FC Tokyo 1Imamura, Y     8185
    02J1-League M.10YokohamaM 2:0 Kobe 2Ueda     13801
    27-Jul-21J1-League M.3G Osaka 2:1 Oita 1Murakami     4205
    18-Apr-21J1-League M.10Nagoya 1:2 Tosu 1Nakamura     9552
    14J1-League M.18C Osaka 1:2 Tokushima 1Fukushima     2711
    07J1-League M.8Kobe 1:0 Oita 1Iida     5180
    17-Mar-21J1-League M.5Fukuoka 1:0 Kashima 2Imamura, Y     4510
    06J1-League M.2Tosu 2:0 Urawa 1Kasahara     7452
    28-Feb-21J1-League M.1Fukuoka 1:2 Nagoya 1Kasahara     4991
    15-Aug-20J1-League M.10Sapporo 1:6 Kawasaki 2Kimura     4601
    08J1-League M.9Kobe 1:2 Sendai 2Imamura, Y     4333
    12-Jul-20J1-League M.4Shimizu 1:2 G Osaka 1Iemoto     4131
    22-Feb-20J1-League M.1Sendai 1:1 Nagoya 1Ikeuchi     13968
    14-Sep-19J1-League M.26YokohamaM 3:0 Hiroshima 1Murakami     12581
    31-Aug-19J1-League M.25Matsumoto 0:0 Oita 1Otsubo     16568
    10J1-League M.22Kashima 2:1 YokohamaM 2Koya     29790
    13-Jul-19J1-League M.19C Osaka 3:0 Nagoya 1Okabe     16382
    30-Jun-19J1-League M.17Tosu 4:2 Shimizu 2Nishimura     8698
    30-Mar-19J1-League M.5Urawa 1:1 FC Tokyo 1Kimura     39055
    01J1-League M.2Kawasaki 1:1 Kashima 1Sato     23927
    23-Feb-19J1-League M.1G Osaka 2:3 YokohamaM 1Fukushima     27064
    01-Sep-18J1-League M.25Hiroshima 3:1 Kashima 2Nishimura     13107
    15-Aug-18J1-League M.22YokohamaM 1:2 Nagoya 1Iida     24527
    18-Jul-18J1-League M.16Hiroshima 4:0 G Osaka 2Yamamoto     7835
    02-May-18J1-League M.12Hiroshima 2:0 Shimizu 2Iemoto     8029
    21-Apr-18J1-League M.9Kobe 3:0 Nagoya 2Ueda     18681
    10-Mar-18J1-League M.3Nagasaki 1:1 Urawa 2Nishimura     15975
    02-Dec-17J1-League M.34Kashiwa 1:0 Hiroshima 2Nishimura     13235
    18-Nov-17J1-League M.32Sendai 3:0 Omiya 1Fukushima     15533
    14-Oct-17J1-League M.29G Osaka 0:1 Niigata 2Fukushima     19523
    30-Sep-17J1-League M.28Omiya 0:0 Shimizu 2Kimura     11545
    09J1-League M.25FC Tokyo 1:4 C Osaka 1Murakami     36635
    09-Aug-17J1-League M.21Kobe 1:2 Kashima 1Sato     19039
    29-Jul-17J1-League M.19G Osaka 3:1 C Osaka 2Iemoto     36177
    18-Jun-17J1-League M.15FC Tokyo 0:1 YokohamaM 2Kimura     23282
    31-May-17J-League Cup Group B - M.7Kofu 2:3 Tosu 1Kimura     ?
    28J1-League M.13Kobe 1:2 C Osaka 2Matsuo     20391
    20J1-League M.12Iwata 0:2 Kashiwa 2Fukushima     13470
    06J1-League M.10Hiroshima 1:1 Kobe 2Okabe     13421
    26-Apr-17J-League Cup Group B - M.3Tosu 4:4 C Osaka 2Matsuo     ?
    21J1-League M.8Kawasaki 2:2 Shimizu 2Nishimura     17358
    07J1-League M.6G Osaka 0:1 Hiroshima 2Tojo     13521
    15-Mar-17J-League Cup Group A - M.1Iwata 0:2 Sapporo 2Iida     6454
    10J1-League M.3Urawa 4:1 Kofu 2Matsuo     22711
    25-Feb-17J1-League M.1Kashima 0:1 FC Tokyo 2Nishimura     28240
    22-Oct-16J1-League 2nd Stage - M.32Fukuoka 1:2 Kofu 1Hirose     10536
    05J-League Cup Semi-Finals - M.10FC Tokyo 1:2 Urawa 2Iemoto     13354
    10-Sep-16J1-League 2nd Stage - M.28FC Tokyo 3:0 Shonan 1Nishimura     18744
    04J-League Cup Quarter-Finals - M.9G Osaka 6:3 Hiroshima 2Murakami     12977
    27-Aug-16J1-League 2nd Stage - M.27Kobe 2:1 Urawa 2Nakamura     14877
    13J1-League 2nd Stage - M.25YokohamaM 1:1 Omiya 2Yamamoto     13009
    06J1-League 2nd Stage - M.24Kashima 0:1 Sendai 1Iida     13982
    17-Jul-16J1-League 2nd Stage - M.21Kobe 2:0 Shonan 1Yamamoto     13076
    13J1-League 2nd Stage - M.20Kofu 0:0 Iwata 2Araki     7064
    09J1-League 2nd Stage - M.19Nagoya 0:3 Kawasaki 2Ogiya     16780
    18-Jun-16J1-League 1st Stage - M.16Hiroshima 4:2 Urawa 2Matsuo     24656
    11J1-League 1st Stage - M.15Niigata 1:0 Omiya 2Nishimura     20381
    02J1-League 1st Stage - M.7Tosu 0:0 Kobe 1Sato     6499
    25-May-16J-League Cup Group A - M.6Kofu 1:0 Shonan 2Iida     4029
    18J-League Cup Group A - M.5Omiya 1:0 Iwata 1Araki     5985
    04J1-League 1st Stage - M.10Tosu 0:1 Shonan 1Matsuo     20219
    20-Apr-16J-League Cup Group A - M.4Nagoya 0:0 Kofu 2Murakami     3919
    06J-League Cup Group B - M.3YokohamaM 1:3 Kashiwa 1Nishimura     7084
    19-Mar-16J1-League 1st Stage - M.4Kashima 2:0 FC Tokyo 1Tojo     15996
    12J1-League 1st Stage - M.3Kashiwa 2:2 Iwata 1Matsuo     10280
    05J1-League 1st Stage - M.2Kawasaki 4:4 Shonan 1Takayama     21871
    22-Nov-15J1-League 2nd Stage - M.34Kawasaki 1:0 Sendai 2Yoshida     22511
    07-Oct-15J-League Cup Semi-Finals - M.10Kobe 1:2 Kashima 1Murakami     6162
    03J1-League 2nd Stage - M.30Hiroshima 0:1 FC Tokyo 2Yoshida     18810
    26-Sep-15J1-League 2nd Stage - M.29Shonan 1:1 YokohamaM 1Hirose     14046
    02J-League Cup Quarter-Finals - M.8FC Tokyo 2:2 Kashima 2Iemoto     10443
    16-Aug-15J1-League 2nd Stage - M.24Hiroshima 0:3 Kashiwa 2Iemoto     14471
    12J1-League 2nd Stage - M.23Kawasaki 0:0 Yamagata 2Tojo     19154
    19-Jul-15J1-League 2nd Stage - M.20Urawa 1:2 Hiroshima 2Yoshida     41492
    15J1-League 2nd Stage - M.19Kashima 0:0 Shimizu 2Tojo     6923
    20-Jun-15J1-League 1st Stage - M.16Kawasaki 2:0 Matsumoto 2Inoue     21490
    03J-League Cup Group B - M.7Yamagata 0:2 YokohamaM 1Tojo     3605
    20-May-15J-League Cup Group A - M.5Shonan 2:1 Matsumoto 2Tojo     5699
    16J1-League 1st Stage - M.12Shimizu 1:2 YokohamaM 2Tojo     12978
    29-Apr-15J1-League 1st Stage - M.8Kofu 0:2 Urawa 1Imamura, Y     13708
    22J-League Cup Group B - M.4Shimizu 2:1 Sendai 1Yoshida     5174
    03J1-League 1st Stage - M.4Kashima 3:1 Tosu 2Ogiya     8539
    18-Mar-15J-League Cup Group B - M.1Sendai 1:0 YokohamaM 2Kimura     7099
    28-Feb-15J-Supercup Final - G Osaka 2:0 Urawa 2Yamamoto     47666
    02-Nov-14J1-League M.31Hiroshima 1:1 Omiya 2Yamamoto     14024
    26-Oct-14J1-League M.30Kofu 2:1 Kawasaki 2Murakami     10536
    22J1-League M.29Kashiwa 1:0 G Osaka 1Okabe     7474
    27-Sep-14J1-League M.26YokohamaM 0:0 Kofu 1Ikeuchi     12953
    30-Aug-14J1-League M.22G Osaka 5:0 Niigata 2Fukushima     12696
    02J1-League M.18Niigata 1:0 C Osaka 2Imamura, Y     30078
    23-Jul-14J1-League M.16YokohamaM 1:1 Kobe 2Sato     13445
    26-Apr-14J1-League M.9Shimizu 1:0 Sendai 1Yamamoto     11188
    12J1-League M.7Tosu 2:0 Kofu 2Ikeuchi     8276
    15-Mar-14J1-League M.3Kawasaki 3:4 Omiya 1Yamamoto     13498
    08J1-League M.2Kobe 1:1 Kashiwa 1Yoshida     13143
    01J1-League M.1Nagoya 2:3 Shimizu 1Hirose     21657
    03-Aug-13J1-League M.19Kashima 1:0 Omiya 1Yoshida     14925
    31-Jul-13J1-League M.18Kofu 0:1 Sendai 1Iemoto     8773
    17J1-League M.17C Osaka 4:1 Tosu 1Inoue     9119
    10J1-League M.15Iwata 2:1 Niigata 2Murakami     5698
    25-May-13J1-League M.13Kashima 3:2 FC Tokyo 2Iida     17969
    06J1-League M.10Kashiwa 2:1 YokohamaM 2Yamamoto     13621
    16-Mar-13J1-League M.3Shonan 1:1 Shimizu 1Okabe     9453
    02J1-League M.1Hiroshima 1:2 Urawa 1Yoshida     27911
    26-May-12J1-League M.13FC Tokyo 1:1 Urawa 1Yoshida     33836
    12J1-League M.11Shimizu 1:1 C Osaka 1Iida     15891
    06J1-League M.10Nagoya 2:3 Kawasaki 1Yoshida     20512
    07-Apr-12J1-League M.5Omiya 0:3 C Osaka 1Nishimura     8180
    31-Mar-12J1-League M.4YokohamaM 0:0 Kashima 1Iida     22126
    11J1-League M.1Kashiwa 3:3 YokohamaM 1Murakami     13082

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