|  |  | 03:06 PM CEST clear sky 26C | | |  | 08:08 PM CEST clear sky 16C | | |  | 11:25 PM CEST clear sky 15C | |
Previous games on Database |
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Game Summary
⚽ Goals : Tryggvadóttir, Sveinsdóttir, Bárðardóttir, Sigurjónsdóttir, Burchill, Jardine
Iceland | | Scotland
| |
... | Hall', , Tryg'r, Oska'ir, Gisl', , Kris'ir, Arna', , Kris'r, Snor'ir, Svei', . | | Finnie, McAuley, Bates, Miller, Robb, Black, Clark, Easdon, Livi'ne. |
| Color References: GK, DF, DM, MF, FW , Unknown Pos |
Club Tweets |

🇮🇸 Byrjunarlið U17 kvenna sem mætir Noregi kl. 10:00 í síðasta leik sínum í fyrstu umferð undankeppni EM 2024.
✍ Bein textalýsing á vef UEFA.
#dottir https://t.co/FtDgiLdtCl

Það er bleikur október og bleiki dagurinn er á föstudaginn 🩷 #bleikaslaufan https://t.co/mx7RAh75MG

🇮🇸 U21 lið karla vann góðan 0-1 sigur á Litháen í undankeppni EM 25
⚽️Liðið hefur tryggt sér 6 stig eftir 2 leiki
📸📸📸 https://t.co/g448DG6jvk

Leiknum er lokið með 1-3 sigri Noregs!
#dottir https://t.co/A18B8DGGCG

🇮🇸Ísland - Danmörk🇩🇰
⚽️Föstudaginn 27. október kl. 18:30
Miðasala 👉 https://t.co/yaqiTNW5Hy https://t.co/U7fYlDdXrk

⚽️ Föstudagsmarkið ⚽️
👀 Þetta mark hjá Davíð Snæ Jóhannssyni, í leik U21 liðsins gegn Litháen fyrr í vikunni
😍 Mark sem tryggði liðinu 3 stig í þokkabót!
‼️ This goal from Davíð Snær Jóhannsson for our U21 men's side against Lithuania this week!
#fyririsland https://t.co/SOO8pBeEyU

Ertu vanur að garga á fólk?
#ekkitapa #takkdómarar
https://t.co/3SscPtugyX https://t.co/gzF2Me4Tiq

KSÍ og @Barnaheill eru með samstarfsverkefnið „Verndarar barna“. Sérfræðingur frá Barnaheillum heimsækir knattspyrnufélög um allt land með fræðslu.
Bókanir og nánari upplýsingar👉verndararbarna@barnaheill.is
#VerndararBarna https://t.co/YuSz75eBaY

Takk dómarar!
#takkdómarar #ekkitapa
https://t.co/3SscPtugyX https://t.co/e2UF5SELEz

👀Byrjunarlið U19 kvenna sem mætir Skotlandi í undankeppni EM 2024 í dag!
📺Leikurinn hefst klukkan 9:00 og verður í beinu streymi hér 👉 https://t.co/K4C7wFmCL9
#dottir https://t.co/h7zIbFcKOm
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#SCO17s | Your Men's Under-17s team taking on Kazakhstan this morning 🏴
Come on Scotland!
#YoungTeam https://t.co/ryt4fhnllB

#SCOW19s | HALF TIME: Iceland 4-0 Scotland.
Iceland take the lead into the half-time break.
#YoungTeam https://t.co/Lhh3WB2Gk2

#SCOW19s | We’re under way against Iceland.
➡️ Watch live here: https://t.co/Na4H6jTUEy
#YoungTeam https://t.co/09ksrhs3Ou

#SCOW19s | GOAL Scotland! Kayla Jardine gets our second with just over ten minutes to play.
Iceland 4-2 Scotland.
#YoungTeam https://t.co/e1DFQnTuCX

#SCOW19s | GOAL Scotland! Tiree Burchill gets us off to a great start in the second half.
Iceland 4-1 Scotland.
#YoungTeam https://t.co/7bcjEAYk2t

#SCO17s | GOAL SCOTLAND! Calum Adamson opens the scoring on 20 minutes!
Kazakhstan 0-1 Scotland.
#YoungTeam https://t.co/8gFwNnhGgp

#SCO17s | GOAL Scotland! Owen Stirton adds a second!
Kazakhstan 0-2 Scotland.
#YoungTeam https://t.co/qsKu3VCCaQ

#SCO17s | HALF TIME: Kazakhstan 0-1 Scotland.
Calum Adamson's goal separates the sides at half time.
#YoungTeam https://t.co/UHhMJcOq8U

#SCOW19s | FULL TIME: Iceland 6-2 Scotland.
Despite two second-half goals, our Women's Under-19s faced defeat at the end of a difficult test against Iceland.
They're back on the pitch on Friday, when they will face Serbia.
#YoungTeam https://t.co/NpnFhQHWo4

#SCO17s | FULL TIME: Kazakhstan 0-2 Scotland.
An important win for our Men's Under-17s, with Calum Adamson and Owen Stirtons' goals either side of half time sealing the three points.
#YoungTeam https://t.co/1deA1xQRip
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