User gooner95

Last Visitors Ratings:
linesmanScotlandChristie5.0 (1)
playerUSEbobisse3.5 (2)
playerBECourtois4.0 (35)
playerEnglandBellingham3.9 (9)
My Line-upArsenal by Frank

My ProfileMy Formation

Account Not Confirmed


Location:London., London.     England

Fan of:Arsenal

Profile:Ever since I was six years of age, I have loved Football. I remember watching my first match, on television, with my dad. It was an Arsenal game. We were playing against Juventus in Turin, and I think we lost 1-0. Anyway, that was 2001 and now it s 2009! I have good memory and can remember player names, teams, leagues after looking at their name once. I can also remember scorelines and can remember most big games since 2002. I am now 13, going on 14, and don t worry, I m not a hooligan or one of those kids that goes Oh Cristiano Ronaldo is well sick innit! . Basically, I love football. I know more about it than anyone I know. I know weird facts, like why Sergio Aguero is nicknamed "Kun " (because he watched an asian cartoon when he was little which had a character in it called "Kum ". Aguero couldn t pronounce "Kum ", so he said "Kun ", and that s been his nickname ever since). Anyway, I don t think I can say much more than, I love the beautiful game! Cheers!

ES Almunia - Watford
FR Sagna - Montréal
CH Djourou - Nordsjæl.
FR Gallas - Perth Gl.
FR Clichy - Servette
CI Touré, Kolo - Celtic
England Walcott - Southmptn
ES Fàbregas - Como
FR Nasri - Anderlcht
RU Arshavin - Kairat
NL van Persie - Feyenoord

As of 12-Mar-09
My Contributions
since 12-Mar-09:
LineUp:3Add Team to Tourn:-
New Team:-New Tournament:-
New Player:-New Team Game:-
Add Player to Team:-Update Profile:2
Edit Game:2Team Home Jersey :-
New Game:1Comment Game:-
Change Default:-New Stage:-
Add Team to Stage:-Update Player:-
New Stadium:-Edit Stadium:-
Injury/Ban:31Remove from Squad:-
Edit dates on Squad:-Update My Formation:-
Update Tactical:-Comment Player:-
New Team Tactic:-LineUp Team Tactic:-
Edit Injury/Ban:-Forum New Topic:-
Forum Post Reply:-Comment Tactic:1
Revert Lineup:-Player Transfer:-
New Referee:-Comment Referee:-
Edit Referee:-LineUp Instance:-
LineUp Fix Num:-Edit Game-:-
LineUp-:-New Coach:-
Edit Coach:-Comment Coach:-
Update Tournament:-Remove Team from Stage:-
Update Team:-Remove Team from Stadium:-
Add Team to Stadium:-Update My Formation:3
Instance Created:-Revert Instance:-
Transfers:-Fix tourn goals:-
Arrows:-Timeline Event:-
Edit Timeline Event:-Player pic:-
Referee pic:-Coach pic:-
Tournament Awards:-New TV Channel:-
Edit TV Channel:-Add TV Channel Tourn:-
Remove TV Channel Tourn:-Comment TV Channel:-
Add TV Channel Match:-Remove TV Channel Match:-
Fix tourn subst:-Comment Squad:-
Player of the Match:-Fix Player of the Match:-
Video Removed:-Change Shirt Number:-
Coach/Player relation:-Pic Upload:-
Comment Stadium:-Team Away Jersey :-
Fix Dup. Player :-Fix Player Career:-
PES Skills update:-Fix Match Stats:-
Player audio:-Comment Matchday:-
Comment Matches:-Video Tourn:-
Video Team:-Video Matchday:-
Video removed:-Match Event:-
Match finished:-New Linesman:-
Comment Linesman:-Edit Linesman:-
Update Team Abbrev:-LineUp w Fix Num:-
Team Name:-Stadium Elevation:-
System maint:-Update Kit Supplier:-
New Kit Supplier:-Teams Kit Supplier:-
Team 3rd Jersey :-Cut Player Career:-
Fix Dup. Referee :-Fix Dup. Linesman :-
Media:-Club Logo:-
Changed Hid Num:-Tourn Table Header:-
New Commentator:-Comment Commentator:-
Edit Commentator:-Game Img Det:-
Week team:-Tweet:-
Fix fee:-Player abbrev:-
Fix matchday:-copy squad:-
Table points:-Remove table points:-
Remove Women Team from Stadium:-Add Women Team to Stadium:-
Player pic:-Referee pic:-
Linesman pic:-Coach pic:-
upload jerseys:-fix match jerseys:-
repl jerseys:-Tourn Logo:-
Tweet Player image:-Kit logo:-
Delete Injury/Ban:-TV logo:-
Fix Dup. Coach :-Rename player:-
sbt Player to Team:-sbt Player:-