| | | 05:52 AM CET clear sky -0C | | | | 10:35 AM CET scattered clouds 3C | | | | 05:20 PM CET clear sky 9C | |
Players to watch
Last 5 games | | Lyon has won their last 2 games | conceded AVG 1.40 goals in last 5 | scored AVG 2 goals in last 5 | conceded at least 1 goals in each of last 5 | Lyon scored 10 goals in the last 5 | scored at least 1 in each of last 5 | Playing home has won their last 2 | Playing home has NOT lost their last 3 | |
| | conceded AVG 0.60 goals in last 5 games | scored AVG 0.80 goals in last 5 | |
Game Summary
Olympique Lyonnais | | FC Lorient
| |
| Bonnevie, Lega, Laâziri, E Arouch, Kumbedi, Henrique, Sarr. | | Aouchiche, Innocent, Yongwa, Bartouche, Douc'e. |
| Color References: GK, DF, DM, MF, FW , Unknown Pos |
Attendance: 38568 |
LyonRiou | | Diom'e, | | Lovren | | Lukeba | | Tagl'co | | Lepenant | | Caqueret | | Tolisso | | Barcola | | Sarr | | Cherki | | | Aouar | Demb', |
| LorientMannone | | Kalulu | | Meité, | | Talbi | | L Goff | | Abergel | | Diarra | | L Fée | | Makengo | | Cathline | | B Dieng | | | Ponceau | L Bris | I Carioca | Koné, |
| Match too old for new votes