| | | 03:31 AM CET few clouds 3C | | | | 06:25 PM CET broken clouds 4C | | | | 09:49 PM CET moderate rain 4C | |
Players to watch
Last 5 games | | scored at least 1 in each of last 4 games | conceded at least 1 goals in each of last 4 | scored AVG 1.50 goals in last 4 | conceded AVG 1.80 goals in last 4 | Hoffenhm has lost 2 of their last 4 | |
| | conceded at least 1 goals in each of last 4 games | scored AVG 0.80 goals in last 4 | conceded AVG 1.50 goals in last 4 | Darmstadt has lost their last 3 | Darmstadt is winless in their last 4 | |
Game Summary 2 assists by Pfeiffer.
⚽ Goals : Kramarić (penalty), Pfeiffer, Bebou, Skarke
TSG 1899 Hoffenheim | | Darmstadt 98
| |
| Skov, Gril'ch, Beier, Justvan, Becker, Noll, Szalai, Akpoguma, Bischof. | | Ronstadt, Maglica, Müller, Torsiello, Honsak, Behrens, Brunst, Müller, Schn'dt. |
| Color References: GK, DF, DM, MF, FW , Unknown Pos |
Attendance: 18125 |
HoffenhmBaumann | | Kabak | | Brooks | | Vogt | | Stach | | Kade'ek | | Prömel | | Tohumcu | | Bülter | | Bebou | | Kramarić | | | Skov | Gril'ch | Beier | Becker | Justvan |
| DarmstadtSchuhen | | Klarer | | Gjasula | | Isherwood | | Riedel | | Bader | | Franjić, | | Karić, | | Kempe | | Pfeiffer | | Skarke | | | Ronstadt | Maglica | Müller, | Honsak | Torsiello |
| Match too old for new votes