England Waugh

Jock Waugh

Born:0000-00-00Football Referee
South Yorkshire
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refereeEnglandHooper1.2 (350)
coachNLde Jong, H3.0 (1)
coachESCalle5.0 (4)
coachESCalle5.0 (4)
coachESCalle5.0 (4)

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guest ( GB Manchester ) 20-Sep-10 12:57

one of the worst ref s ive seen at Brunton park for a while (that doesnt include any from the north east in that comment)When i read that MR Waugh was from Sheffield, i hoped he was a sheff utd fan but it seems he s a sheff wed fan and not happy with the score line last week. How a ref can get so many things wrong in a game and miss so many clear fouls is beyond me (Maybe his bosses need to watch the full 90mins of the game and point them out to him). Maybe saturday gone should be the last tiem he ever takes charge at Brunton Park or for that matter any other football league game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

About 18-Sep-10 Carlisle 0 - Brighton 0

guest ( GB Wiltshire ) 20-Sep-10 09:34

A poor referee. Too full of his own self importance and a bit power mad. Basically accused Frank Simek of cheating this Saturday. Not the first bad game he s had at Brunton Park. He was awaful last season as well.