Serbia Kuzmanović

Gordana Kuzmanovic

Born:08-Jun-731973-06-08Football Referee Age: 51
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coachITBrocchi5.0 (5)
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List of games of referee Gordana Kuzmanovic

Games on database
    17-Sep-14Qualif WWC fifa Group 3 - M.19Malta 0:5 Switz 303
1     200
    10-Apr-14Qualif WWC fifa Group 4 - M.12Faroe Isl 0:0 N.Ireland 142
    26-Oct-13Qualif WWC fifa Group 7 - M.6Bulgaria 1:1 Kazakhstan 24

    15-Feb-12Euro Qual fifa Group 2 - M.11Turkey 0:5 Germany
5 1     500
    24-Nov-11Euro Qual fifa Group 2 - M.10Switz 8:1 Kazakhstan

2     ?
    22-Oct-11Euro Qual fifa Group 3 - M.7Bulgaria 0:1 N.Ireland

    28-Sep-11UWCL uefa Round of 32 - M.1CSHVSM 2:1 Neul ach

    22-Sep-10UWCL uefa Round of 32 - M.1E BGU Msk 1:2 Røa

* Penalties given, not necessarily scored