Morocco El Ahrach

Bouchaib El Ahrach

Born:0000-00-00Football Referee
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playerEnglandBellingham4.0 (10)
playerBRRaphinha3.6 (8)
refereeITCorletto5.0 (2)
match O. Caldas - Millos2.0 (1)
coachITBrocchi5.0 (5)

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List of games of referee Bouchaib El Ahrach

Games on database
    12-Nov-15Qualif WC fifa Second round - M.3Benin 2:1 Burkina F

    24-Jan-15Africa Cup fifa Group D - M.2Ivory C. 1:1 Mali 344
    15-Oct-13Qualif WC fifa Third Round - M.9Ghana 6:1 Egypt
2     ?
    08-Sep-13Qualif WC fifa Group I - M.8Togo 2:1 DR Congo

    16-Jun-13Qualif WC fifa Group H - M.7Mali 2:2 Benin

    29-Jan-13Africa Cup fifa Group C - M.3Ethiopia 0:2 Nigeria 366 1 2     15000
    24Africa Cup fifa Group B - M.2Niger 0:0 DR Congo 383
    02-Jun-12Qualif WC fifa Group E - M.3Burkina F 0:3 Congo

    28-Jan-12Africa Cup fifa Group D - M.2Botswana 1:6 Guinea 264 1 1     4000
    27-Nov-11CAF U-23 Cup fifa Group B - M.1S. Africa 1:1 Ivory C.
1 1 1     ?
    27-Jul-11Trophee Champ FR Final - Lille 4:5 Marseille
3 1 2     33900
* Penalties given, not necessarily scored