Bolivia Quintana, O

Orlando Quintana

Born:0000-00-00Football Referee
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List of games of referee Orlando Quintana

Games on database
    04-Aug-23División Prof M.22Bolivar 6:1 Blooming
5 1     ?
    11-Jul-23Copa Div Prof Group A - M.4Bolivar 4:0 LG Mamoré
    19-May-15Clausura LFPB M.16U.Sucre 9:1 U. Pando
10 1 1     ?
    01Clausura LFPB M.19U.Sucre 2:0 Sp. Boys
    25-Jan-15Clausura LFPB M.2J.Wilsman 0:0 Petrolero 3910
    25-May-14LFPB M.22Blooming 1:2 Strongest
5 2     1867
    18LFPB M.21J.Wilsman 4:2 Blooming
1     ?
    26-Apr-14LFPB M.16Strongest 2:0 Oriente P
7 2     3897
    30-Mar-14LFPB M.12J.Wilsman 1:0 Sp. Boys 378
    08LFPB M.8Bolivar 3:0 Aurora 247 2     7178
    21-Feb-13LFPB M.8Strongest 4:1 Petrolero 194 3 1     3558
* Penalties given, not necessarily scored