Australia Elder

Daniel Elder

Born:0000-00-00Football Referee
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List of games of referee Daniel Elder

Games on database
    01-Mar-25A-League Rounds - M.21Auckland 4:4 Adel Utd 21

2     ?
    22-Feb-25A-League Rounds - M.20Perth Gl. 0:0 Sydney FC 24

    08A-League Rounds - M.18Newc Jets 3:0 Melb Vic 185
1     ?
    29-Jan-25A-League Rounds - M.14West Utd 2:2 Centl Cst 211
    11A-League Rounds - M.13Sydney FC 4:1 Centl Cst 274
    20-Dec-24A-League Rounds - M.9Adel Utd 3:3 Sydney FC 264
    14A-League Rounds - M.8West Syd 2:2 Bris Roar 245
    30-Nov-24A-League Rounds - M.6Macarthur 4:4 Bris Roar 257
    23A-League Rounds - M.5Sydney FC 4:2 West Syd 345
1     30777
    09A-League Rounds - M.4Adel Utd 2:1 West Utd 18

    26-Oct-24AFC Challenge afc Group C - M.2Fotuwa 0:5 Seeb
2 1     ?
    19A-League Rounds - M.1Auckland 2:0 Bris Roar 172
    18-May-24A-League Play-offs -SF - M.29Well'ton 1:2 Melb Vic 213
    27-Apr-24A-League Rounds - M.26Newc Jets 1:3 Centl Cst 205
    20A-League Rounds - M.25Macarthur 1:0 Sydney FC 183 2     ?
    12A-League Rounds - M.24Well'ton 1:0 Melb Vic 224
    05A-League Rounds - M.23West Syd 1:2 Bris Roar 193
1     ?
    15-Mar-24A-League Rounds - M.21Newc Jets 0:1 Adel Utd 278
    10A-League Rounds - M.20Macarthur 0:3 Centl Cst 345
    03A-League Rounds - M.19Bris Roar 3:2 Melb Vic 254
    24-Feb-24A-League Rounds - M.18Perth Gl. 0:0 Well'ton 146
    18A-League Rounds - M.17Centl Cst 1:0 West Syd 294
1     ?
    03A-League Rounds - M.15Adel Utd 0:4 Centl Cst 254
1     ?
    28-Jan-24A-League Rounds - M.14Macarthur 2:2 Perth Gl. 194
2     ?
    19A-League Rounds - M.13Well'ton 1:1 Melb Vic 161 1 1     ?
    06A-League Rounds - M.11Bris Roar 1:2 Sydney FC 184
    30-Dec-23A-League Rounds - M.10Melb Vic 2:0 Adel Utd 194
    17A-League Rounds - M.8Melb City 3:3 Centl Cst 225
    09A-League Rounds - M.7Sydney FC 0:2 Macarthur 355 1     ?
    01A-League Rounds - M.6Bris Roar 2:2 West Syd 293
    11-Nov-23A-League Rounds - M.4West Syd 2:0 Perth Gl. 11

    03A-League Rounds - M.3Melb City 2:0 Sydney FC 244
    28-Oct-23A-League Rounds - M.2Well'ton 2:1 Perth Gl. 144
    21A-League Rounds - M.1Sydney FC 0:2 Melb Vic 305
    29-Apr-23A-League Rounds - M.26Perth Gl. 1:2 West Utd 234 1     ?
    09A-League Rounds - M.23Melb Vic 0:0 Perth Gl. 227 1     ?
    01A-League Rounds - M.22Centl Cst 4:1 Bris Roar 215
1     ?
    11-Mar-23A-League Rounds - M.20Newc Jets 2:4 Adel Utd 176
    17-Feb-23A-League Rounds - M.17West Utd 0:3 Well'ton 43
1     ?
    11A-League Rounds - M.16Perth Gl. 2:4 Melb City 285 1 1     ?
    22-Jan-23A-League Rounds - M.13Newc Jets 1:1 West Syd 305
1     ?
    31-Dec-22A-League Rounds - M.10Centl Cst 2:1 Melb Vic 203
    10A-League Rounds - M.7Perth Gl. 2:1 West Utd 62 1     ?
    13-Nov-22A-League Rounds - M.6Centl Cst 2:3 Macarthur 307 1 1     ?
    23-Oct-22A-League Rounds - M.3Sydney FC 2:2 Adel Utd 255 1     16623
    15A-League Rounds - M.2Newc Jets 2:1 Perth Gl. 293 1 1     ?
    15-May-22A-League Play-offs -QF - M.26Adel Utd 3:1 Centl Cst 344
    09A-League Rounds - M.21Melb City 2:1 Well'ton 216
    05A-League Rounds - M.16West Syd 1:2 Well'ton 264
    15-Apr-22A-League Rounds - M.24Macarthur 2:1 Bris Roar 262
    09A-League Rounds - M.11West Utd 1:4 Well'ton 264
1     ?
    05A-League Rounds - M.6Centl Cst 5:0 Well'ton 262
2     ?
    02A-League Rounds - M.17Well'ton 0:6 Melb City 222
    30-Mar-22A-League Rounds - M.11Perth Gl. 0:0 Newc Jets 205 1     ?
    19A-League Rounds - M.18Sydney FC 3:0 West Utd 133
    16A-League Rounds - M.8Adel Utd 1:2 West Syd 336
    20-Feb-22A-League Rounds - M.15Perth Gl. 2:0 Bris Roar 182
1     ?
    12A-League Rounds - M.14Melb Vic 1:2 Newc Jets 214 1 1     ?
    01-Jan-22A-League Rounds - M.7Adel Utd 4:0 Well'ton 288
2     ?
    27-Nov-21A-League Rounds - M.2Adel Utd 2:2 Melb City 317
    06-Feb-21A-League Rounds - M.14Bris Roar 5:2 Melb Vic
* Penalties given, not necessarily scored