Colombia Hoyos

Jorge Hoyos

Born:0000-00-00Football Referee
Referee Since:1994
Referee FIFA Since:2000

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match Nice - Auxerre1.0 (1)
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coachDESchultz5.0 (5)
coachDESchultz5.0 (5)
coachDESchultz5.0 (5)

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List of games of referee Jorge Hoyos

Games on database
    05-Sep-07Sudamericana conmebol Segunda Fase - M.3ANacional 2:3 Millos
6 1 2     21254
    13-Mar-07Libertadores conmebol Group 5 - M.3Maracaibo 1:1 R.Potosí

    13-Feb-07Libertadores conmebol Group 3 - M.1Cúcuta 0:0 Tolima

    31-Jan-07Libertadores conmebol Play-off F - M.2S Cristal 2:1 América

    29-Aug-06Sudamericana conmebol Primera Fase - M.2DIM 1:1 Tolima

* Penalties given, not necessarily scored