Argentina Comesaña

Lucas Comesana

Born:0000-00-00Football Referee
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List of games of referee Lucas Comesana

Games on database
    24-Mar-23Copa Argentina Round of 64 - Boca 2:1 Olimpo

    15Copa Argentina Round of 64 - Arg.Jrs 3:0 Armenio

    01-Feb-23Copa Argentina Round of 64 - Huracán 4:1 Yupanqui

    20-Jul-22Liga.Prof M.9Patronato 1:0 Tigre 205
    12Copa Argentina Round of 32 - Banfield 2:1 Unión 313
    29-Jun-22Copa Argentina Round of 32 - Gsia. LP 2:0 Flandria

    23-Feb-22Copa Argentina Round of 64 - Indp Rvia 2:0 Gsia Mdza

    02-Apr-21Copa LPF Zona A - M.8S.Lorenzo 2:0 R.Central 458 2     ?
    28-Nov-20Copa LPF Zona 3 - M.5Godoy Cruz 0:0 Banfield 254
    14Copa LPF Zona 5 - M.3Aldosivi 1:4 S.Lorenzo 414 1     closed
    08-Dec-19Primera M.16Def y Jus 2:0 Godoy Cruz 18

    21-Oct-19Primera M.10Colón 2:1 Godoy Cruz 273
* Penalties given, not necessarily scored