DK Aalborg Boldspilklub

Aalborg Stadium, Aalborg

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Aalborg Boldspilklub



Last Visitors Ratings:
playerUSEbobisse3.5 (2)
playerBECourtois4.0 (35)
playerEnglandBellingham3.9 (9)
My Line-upArsenal by Frank
match Millos - Tolima3.0 (1)

Sun Mar.09 - Danish Superliga - AaB vs Midtjyl. - Your Prediction?

Aalborg Boldspilklub Injured Players in Danish Superliga 2024/2025

Tournament dates: 19-Jul-24 to 24-May-25

PosPlayer Days From To Injury / Ban
FW DK Helenius 7 23-Nov-24 30-Nov-24     Muscle Injury
DF DK Otoa 2 03-Oct-24 05-Oct-24     Muscle Injury
DF DK Otoa 22 19-Oct-24 10-Nov-24     Muscle Injury
FW SE Widell, M 2 23-Nov-24 25-Nov-24     Red Card
FW SE Widell, M 2 23-Nov-24 25-Nov-24     Red Card

To add / edit injuries go to the Player screen

    DK Danish Superliga 2024/2025

AaB - AGF - Brøndby - FC Cph. - Lyngby - Midtjyl. - Nordsjæl. - Randers - Sønderjys - Silkeborg - Vejle BK - Viborg