England Blackpool

Bloomfield Road, Blackpool

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The Seasiders


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Sat Mar.15 - League One - Blackpool vs L Orient - Your Prediction?

Blackpool Analysis at League One 2023/2024

46 lineups analysed - Number represent player in starting lineup - Lineups not confirmed are not included.


England Grimshaw (45)
England O'Donnell, R (1)

Right backs [ ?]

England Connolly, C (1)
England Pennington (1)
Centre backs [ ?]

England Husband, J (38)
England Pennington (34)
England Ekpiteta (28)
England Casey, O (25)
England Connolly, C (11)
Left backs [ ?]

England Husband, J (1)
England Connolly, C (1)
Right midfielders

England Hamilton, CJ (33)
England Lawrence-Gabriel (10)
England Dale, O (2)
Northen Ireland Lavery, S (1)
Centre midfielders

GD Norburn (31)
England Carey, S (20)
England Morgan, Albie (18)
AU Dougall (15)
Scotland Byers, G (14)
England Weir, Jensen (4)
England Virtue-Thick (3)
England Oakley-Boothe (3)
Scotland Dembélé, K (1)
Left midfielders

England Coulson, H (17)
IE Lyons, A (8)
England Dale, O (7)
England Hamilton, CJ (5)
England Thompson, Dominic (5)
England Connolly, C (2)
England Morgan, Albie (1)
England Carey, S (1)

Scotland Dembélé, K (28)
Scotland Rhodes (27)
England Beesley, J (25)
Northen Ireland Lavery, S (14)
Scotland Joseph, Kyle (12)
England Kouassi, Kylian (9)
England Carey, S (2)
England Dale, O (1)
England Hamilton, CJ (1)
See also Injured/Banned players and Substitutions

Lineups found             Starting lineup changes since last game
August 2023
    Coach Critchley since 23-May-23
M.105-Aug Burton2-04-2-3-1
M.212-Aug away Exeter0-03-5-2In:Casey, Lyons, Out:Connolly, Penn'on,
M.315-Aug Port Vale0-03-5-2In:Dougall, Out:Beesley,
M.419-Aug L Orient0-03-5-2In:Weir, Beesley, Out:Dougall, Carey,
M.526-Aug away Lincoln C3-03-5-2In:Dougall, Connolly, Out:Weir, Lyons,
September 2023
M.602-Sep Wigan2-14-4-2In:Penn'on, Weir, Rhodes, Out:Ekpiteta, Dougall, Lavery,
M.816-Sep away Wycombe2-03-5-2 *** Repeat 11 ***
M.923-Sep Reading4-13-5-2In:Virt'ck, Dougall, Dale, O, Kouassi, Out:Morgan, Weir, Connolly, Beesley,
M.1030-Sep away Barnsley0-13-5-2In:Connolly, Weir, Out:Penn'on, Virt'ck,
October 2023
M.1103-Oct Derby1-33-4-3In:Carey, Demb', , Out:Weir, Kouassi,
M.1207-Oct away Charlton2-23-5-2In:Penn'on, Thompson, Lavery, Out:Connolly, Demb', , Dale, O,
M.1314-Oct Stevenage3-03-5-2In:Dale, O, Kouassi, Out:Thompson, Lavery,
M.1421-Oct away Oxford U1-13-5-2In:Oakl'he, Out:Norburn,
M.1524-Oct Cheltnham3-23-4-1-2In:Connolly, Morgan, Thompson, Demb', , Lavery, Out:Husband, Dale, O, Oakl'he, Carey, Kouassi,
M.1628-Oct Peterboro2-43-5-2In:Husband, Oakl'he, Carey, Kouassi, Out:Connolly, Morgan, Demb', , Lavery,
November 2023
M.701-Nov away Fleetwood3-33-5-2In:Ekpiteta, Dale, O, Out:Casey, Thompson,
M.1711-Nov away Bolton1-03-5-2In:Morgan, Norburn, Thompson, Demb', , Out:Oakl'he, Dougall, Dale, O, Kouassi,
M.1818-Nov Shrewsbry4-03-5-2In:Dougall, Dale, O, Beesley, Out:Morgan, Norburn, Thompson,
M.1925-Nov away Portsmth0-43-4-3 *** Repeat 11 ***
M.2028-Nov Northmptn1-23-4-1-2 *** Repeat 11 ***
December 2023
M.2109-Dec Carlisle3-03-4-3In:Connolly, Lyons, Out:Ekpiteta, Dale, O,
M.2216-Dec away Cambridge2-13-4-3In:Norburn, Out:Dougall,
M.2323-Dec Bristol R3-13-4-3 *** Repeat 11 ***
M.2426-Dec away Burton1-03-4-3In:Morgan, Joseph, Out:Carey, Beesley,
M.2529-Dec away Port Vale3-03-4-3In:Casey, Thompson, Beesley, Out:Penn'on, Lyons, Joseph,
January 2024
            31-Dec to 02-Jan Byers, G Red Card
M.2601-Jan Lincoln C2-03-4-3In:Virt'ck, Dale, O, Joseph, Out:Norburn, Thompson, Beesley,
            12-Jan to 14-Jan Byers, G Red Card
M.2813-Jan Exeter2-03-4-3In:Norburn, Coulson, Out:Virt'ck, Dale, O,
M.2920-Jan away Bristol R1-23-4-3In:O'Donnell, Ekpiteta, Out:Grimshaw, Connolly,
M.3027-Jan Charlton1-13-4-3In:Grimshaw, Out:O'Donnell,
February 2024
M.3103-Feb away Stevenage1-03-4-3In:Penn'on, Lawr'el, Kouassi, Out:Casey, Demb', , Rhodes,
M.3210-Feb Oxford U1-13-4-3In:Demb', , Lavery, Out:Hamilton, Kouassi,
M.3313-Feb away Cheltnham2-03-4-3In:Casey, Hamilton, Byers, Lyons, Kouassi, Out:Ekpiteta, Lawr'el, Norburn, Coulson, Lavery,
M.3417-Feb away Peterboro1-23-5-2In:Ekpiteta, Lawr'el, Norburn, Coulson, Lavery, Out:Casey, Hamilton, Lyons, Demb', , Kouassi,
M.3524-Feb Bolton4-13-4-3In:Demb', , Beesley, Out:Morgan, Joseph,
M.2727-Feb away L Orient1-03-4-3In:Connolly, Hamilton, Joseph, Out:Husband, Coulson, Lavery,
March 2024
M.3602-Mar away Shrewsbry0-23-4-3In:Husband, Coulson, Lavery, Out:Connolly, Lawr'el, Joseph,
M.3709-Mar Portsmth0-03-4-3In:Lawr'el, Rhodes, Out:Hamilton, Lavery,
M.3812-Mar away Northmptn0-13-4-3In:Casey, Out:Husband,
M.3916-Mar away Wigan1-03-4-3 *** Repeat 11 ***
M.4129-Mar away Derby1-03-4-3In:Carey, Out:Rhodes,
April 2024
M.4201-Apr Wycombe0-03-5-2In:Virt'ck, Hamilton, Lavery, Joseph, Out:Byers, Coulson, Demb', , Beesley,
M.4306-Apr Cambridge1-03-4-3In:Byers, Coulson, Demb', , Kouassi, Beesley, Out:Lawr'el, Virt'ck, Norburn, Lavery, Joseph,
M.4009-Apr Fleetwood1-03-4-3In:Husband, Lavery, Out:Casey, Kouassi,
M.4413-Apr away Carlisle0-13-4-3 *** Repeat 11 ***
M.4520-Apr Barnsley3-23-4-3 *** Repeat 11 ***
M.4627-Apr away Reading3-23-4-3In:Joseph, Out:Lavery,
May 2024
    Color References:     GK, DF, DM, MF, FW , Unknown Pos

    England League One 2023/2024

Barnsley - Blackpool - Bolton - Bristol R - Burton - Cambridge - Carlisle - Charlton - Cheltnham - Derby - Exeter - Fleetwood - L Orient - Lincoln C - Northmptn - Oxford U - Peterboro - Port Vale - Portsmth - Reading - Shrewsbry - Stevenage - Wigan - Wycombe