England Blackpool

Bloomfield Road, Blackpool

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The Seasiders


Last Visitors Ratings:
playerFRMbappé4.2 (44)
match Liverpool - PSG5.0 (1)
coachNLHofland5.0 (1)
coachNLUltee5.0 (6)
coachNLvan der Sloot, M5.0 (1)

Sat Mar.15 - League One - Blackpool vs L Orient - Your Prediction?

Blackpool Yellow and Red Cards in League One 2023/2024

Sent off MinGame
England Casey, O4628-Oct-23 Blackpool 2 - Peterborough United 4
GD Norburn7226-Aug-23 Lincoln City 3 - Blackpool 0
Scotland Rhodes4309-Mar-24 Blackpool 0 - Portsmouth 0

Points convention: Red Cards 3 points, Yellow Cards 1 point
List generated automatically from posted lineups

DetailRed CardsYellow CardsPoints
GD Norburn11013
England Husband, J-77
England Connolly, C-77
Scotland Rhodes136
AU Dougall-66
England Casey, O125
England Pennington-55
England Lawrence-Gabriel-55
England Coulson, H-44
England Grimshaw-44
Northen Ireland Lavery, S-44
England Virtue-Thick-44
England Morgan, Albie-44
Scotland Dembélé, K-33
Scotland Byers, G-33
England Beesley, J-22
England Weir, Jensen-22
England Thompson, Dominic-22
England Carey, S-22
England Oakley-Boothe-11
England Dale, O-11
England Ekpiteta-11
England Kouassi, Kylian-11
England O'Donnell, R-11
England Hamilton, CJ-11
                       Totals     (League Totals)38594

Red cards conceded against Blackpool

Sent off
Wales Morrell, J
PT Ricardo Santos, A
England Digby

    England League One 2023/2024

Barnsley - Blackpool - Bolton - Bristol R - Burton - Cambridge - Carlisle - Charlton - Cheltnham - Derby - Exeter - Fleetwood - L Orient - Lincoln C - Northmptn - Oxford U - Peterboro - Port Vale - Portsmth - Reading - Shrewsbry - Stevenage - Wigan - Wycombe