BR Corinthians

Arena Corinthians, Itaquera, São Paulo

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Corinthians Analysis at Brasileirão 2020

38 lineups analysed - Number represent player in starting lineup - Lineups not confirmed are not included.


BR Cássio (35)
BR Walter, Capeloza (3)

Right backs [ ?]

BR Fagner (32)
BR Michel, Macedo (5)
UY Méndez, Bruno (1)
Centre backs [ ?]

BR Gil, Silva (36)
UY Méndez, Bruno (13)
BR Danilo Avelar (13)
BR Marllon (7)
BR Jemerson (7)
Left backs [ ?]

BR Fábio Santos, (1985) (20)
BR Lucas Piton (13)
BR Sidcley (5)
Right midfielders

BR Gustavo Mosquito (14)
BR Ramiro (11)
VE Otero, R (5)
BR Mateus Vital (2)
BR Léo Natel (2)
BR Roni, MdM (2)
BR Ruan Oliveira (1)
BR Jonathan Cafu (1)
Centre midfielders

BR Gabriel, Girotto (24)
CO Cantillo (21)
CL Araos, A (12)
EC Cazares (10)
BR Xavier, Almeida (9)
BR Éderson, Silva (7)
BR Luan, Vieira (7)
BR Ramiro (7)
BR Roni, MdM (5)
BR Guilherme Camacho (4)
BR Mateus Vital (2)
Left midfielders

VE Otero, R (13)
BR Mateus Vital (8)
BR Léo Natel (5)
BR Everaldo, SdN (4)
BR Ramiro (2)
BR Gustavo Mosquito (2)
BR Lucas Piton (2)
BR Gustavo Mantuan (1)
BR Éderson, Silva (1)

BR (24)
BR Léo Natel (7)
BR Luan, Vieira (4)
BR Matheus Davó (4)
BR Mateus Vital (2)
BR Gustavo Mantuan (2)
AR Boselli (1)
See also Injured/Banned players and Substitutions

Lineups found             Starting lineup changes since last game
    Coach Tiago Nunes since 09-Dec-19
M.212-Aug away At.-MG3-24-2-3-1
M.315-Aug away Grêmio0-04-2-3-1In:Gil, Cantillo, Luan, Out:Méndez, Éderson, Araos,
M.419-Aug Coritiba3-14-2-3-1In:Fagner, Araos, L Natel, Out:Michel, M Vital, Luan,
M.526-Aug Fortaleza1-14-2-3-1In:Éderson, R Oliveira, Out:Gabriel, Ramiro,
M.630-Aug away São Paulo2-14-2-3-1In:Ramiro, Out:R Oliveira,
M.702-Sep away Goiás1-24-2-3-1In:L Piton, G Camacho, Luan, G Mosquito, Out:Sidcley, Éderson, Araos, L Natel,
M.805-Sep Botafogo2-24-2-3-1In:Araos, Out:Luan,
M.910-Sep Palmeiras0-24-2-3-1In:Gabriel, Otero, Out:G Camacho, Araos,
    Coach Dyego Coelho since 12-Sep-20
M.1013-Sep away Fluminense2-14-1-4-1In:Michel, Méndez, Éderson, Out:Fagner, D Avelar, Ramiro,
M.1116-Sep Bahia3-24-2-3-1In:Fagner, D Avelar, Araos, M Vital, Xavier, Roni, Everaldo, Out:Michel, Méndez, Gabriel, Cantillo, Éderson, , G Mosquito,
M.1223-Sep away Sport1-04-2-3-1In:, Out:Araos,
M.130-Sep Atl-GO0-04-4-2In:Michel, L Natel, Cantillo, Luan, Out:Fagner, Xavier, M Vital, Everaldo,
M.1303-Oct away RB Braga0-04-2-3-1In:Fagner, Gabriel, Out:Michel, Roni,
M.1407-Oct Santos1-14-4-2In:Roni, G Mantuan, Out:Cantillo, Otero,
M.1511-Oct away Ceará2-14-4-2In:Méndez, Ramiro, Éderson, Out:D Avelar, Roni, ,
    Coach Anderson Batatais since 12-Oct-20
    Coach Vágner Mancini since 12-Oct-20
M.1614-Oct away At.-PR0-14-3-3In:Walter, Xavier, , M Vital, Out:Cássio, Gabriel, G Mantuan, Luan,
M.1718-Oct Flamengo1-54-2-3-1In:Cássio, Marllon, G Camacho, Otero, Everaldo, Boselli, Out:Walter, Méndez, Ramiro, Éderson, L Natel, ,
M.1821-Oct away Vasco1-24-1-4-1In:F Santos, Ramiro, Éderson, Cazares, G Mantuan, Out:L Piton, G Camacho, Otero, Everaldo, Boselli,
M.1931-Oct Inter1-04-2-3-1In:Otero, M Davó, Out:M Vital, G Mantuan,
M.2007-Nov away Atl-GO1-14-2-3-1In:Gabriel, Luan, Out:Éderson, Cazares,
M.2114-Nov At.-MG1-24-4-2In:L Piton, Roni, Everaldo, Out:F Santos, Xavier, Otero,
M.2222-Nov Grêmio0-04-2-3-1In:F Santos, Cantillo, J Cafu, Otero, Out:L Piton, Ramiro, Roni, Everaldo,
M.2325-Nov away Coritiba0-14-2-3-1In:Walter, Méndez, Xavier, Roni, L Piton, , Out:Cássio, Marllon, Cantillo, J Cafu, Otero, M Davó,
M.2402-Dec away Fortaleza0-04-2-3-1In:Cássio, Marllon, Cantillo, Otero, Out:Walter, Méndez, Xavier, Roni,
M.2513-Dec São Paulo1-04-2-3-1In:Méndez, Ramiro, Cazares, L Natel, Out:Marllon, Luan, L Piton, ,
M.2621-Dec Goiás2-14-2-3-1In:G Mosquito, , Out:Cantillo, L Natel,
M.2727-Dec away Botafogo0-24-2-3-1In:Walter, Jemerson, Out:Cássio, Méndez,
M.2913-Jan Fluminense5-04-2-3-1In:Cássio, Cantillo, M Vital, Out:Walter, Ramiro, Otero,
M.2818-Jan away Palmeiras4-04-2-3-1 *** Repeat 11 ***
M.3121-Jan Sport3-04-2-3-1In:Méndez, Ramiro, G Camacho, Out:Gil, Cantillo, Gabriel,
M.3225-Jan RB Braga0-24-2-3-1In:Gil, Gabriel, Out:Jemerson, G Camacho,
M.3028-Jan away Bahia2-14-2-3-1In:Cantillo, Araos, Out:Ramiro, Cazares,
M.3403-Feb Ceará2-14-2-3-1In:Otero, L Natel, Out:M Vital, ,
M.3510-Feb At.-PR3-34-2-3-1 *** Repeat 11 ***
M.3614-Feb away Flamengo2-14-2-3-1In:Xavier, Out:Gabriel,
M.3317-Feb away Santos1-04-2-3-1In:Michel, Jemerson, Gabriel, M Vital, Out:Fagner, Méndez, Xavier, Otero,
M.3721-Feb Vasco0-04-2-3-1In:Fagner, Ramiro, Out:Michel, Cantillo,
M.3825-Feb away Inter0-04-2-3-1In:Méndez, Cantillo, Roni, Cazares, Otero, , Out:Fagner, Gabriel, G Mosquito, Araos, M Vital, L Natel,
    Color References:     GK, DF, DM, MF, FW , Unknown Pos

    BR Brasileirão 2020

At.-MG - At.-PR - Atl-GO - Bahia - Botafogo - Ceará - Cor hians - Coritiba - Flamengo - Fluminense - Fortaleza - Goiás - Grêmio - Inter - Palmeiras - RB Braga - Santos - São Paulo - Sport - Vasco