BR Bahia

Arena Fonte Nova, Salvador, Bahia

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Thu Mar.13 - Copa Libertadores - Bahia BR vs UY Boston - Your Prediction?

Bahia Injured Players in Brasileiro Serie B 2022

Tournament dates: 07-Apr-22 to 06-Nov-22

PosPlayer Days From To Injury / Ban
DF BR Marcinho, AdO 0 13-Apr-22 13-Apr-22     Sacked
MF BR Ricardo Goulart 0 12-Jul-22 12-Jul-22     Resigned his contract

To add / edit injuries go to the Player screen

    BR Brasileiro Série B 2022

Bahia - Brusque - Chapecoe - CRB - Criciúma - Cruzeiro - CSA - Grêmio - Guarani - Ituano - Londrina - Náutico - Novorizon - Operário - Pte Preta - Sampaio - Sport - Tombense - Vasco - Vila Nova