DK Herfølge Boldklub

Herfølge Stadion, Herfølge

Go to Tournament - Season

Herfølge Boldklub



Last Visitors Ratings:
match Junior - Millos3.0 (1)
My Line-upANacional by Jesus
My Line-upJunior by Jesus
match Getafe - A.Madrid3.0 (1)
coachITBrocchi5.0 (6)

Herfølge Boldklub Injured Players in Danish 1st Division 2007/2008

Tournament dates: 04-Aug-07 to 08-Jun-08

PosPlayer Days From To Injury / Ban

To add / edit injuries go to the Player screen

    DK Danish 1st Division 2007/2008

AB - ÅrhFremad - Ølstykke - BK Frem - FC Freder - Herfølge - HIK - Hvidovre - Køge BK - Kolding - Næstved - Nykøbing - Sønderjys - Silkeborg - Skive - Vejle BK