England Hull City

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playerGRBallas1.5 (2)
match Portsmth - Leeds5.0 (1)
playerPTCristiano Ronaldo4.5 (421)
coachEnglandLivermore5.0 (11)

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Hull City Analysis at FA Premier League 2013/2014

38 lineups analysed - Number represent player in starting lineup - Lineups not confirmed are not included.


Scotland McGregor, A (27)
England Harper, Steve (1975) (10)
CH Jakupović, E (1)

Right backs [ ?]

England Rosenior (10)
EG El-Mohamadi (9)
Wales Chester (1)
IE McShane, P (1986) (1)
Centre backs [ ?]

England Davies, C (37)
Wales Chester (21)
Northen Ireland Bruce (19)
IE McShane, P (1986) (8)
HN Figueroa, M (7)
SN Faye, Abdo (1978) (3)
England Rosenior (1)
Left backs [ ?]

HN Figueroa, M (18)
England Rosenior (3)
Right midfielders

EG El-Mohamadi (27)
SI Koren (4)
IE Meyler (2)
England Rosenior (2)
NG Aluko (1)
IE Quinn, S (1)
England Livermore, J (1)
Centre midfielders

England Huddlestone (34)
England Livermore, J (33)
IE Meyler (20)
SI Koren (2)
NG Aluko (2)
IE Brady, R (1)
England Rosenior (1)
IE Quinn, S (1)
Left midfielders

IE Brady, R (10)
Scotland Boyd, G (8)
HN Figueroa, M (6)
IE Meyler (5)
England Rosenior (5)
IE Quinn, S (2)
EG El-Mohamadi (2)

CI Sagbo (16)
HR Jelavić (16)
IE Long (15)
England Graham (12)
NG Aluko (7)
SI Koren (4)
England Huddlestone (1)
Scotland Boyd, G (1)
See also Injured/Banned players and Substitutions

Lineups found             Starting lineup changes since last game
August 2013
    Coach Bruce since 08-Jun-12
M.118-Aug away Chelsea2-04-1-3-2
            24-Aug to 14-Sep Sagbo Red card (3 matches)
M.224-Aug Norwich C1-04-4-1-1In:Livermore, Hudd'ne, Out:Meyler, Graham,
            28-Aug to 27-Sep McShane, P (1986) Knock
            31-Aug to 13-Sep Aluko Hamstring injury
M.331-Aug away Man.City2-04-4-2In:Graham, Out:Sagbo,
September 2013
            01-Sep to 15-Sep Boyd, G Ankle/Foot injury
            01-Sep to 13-Sep McGregor, A Groin injury
            05-Sep to 07-Sep McGregor, A yellow card ban (1 match)
            10-Sep to 28-Sep Long Hamstring injury
M.414-Sep Cardiff1-14-4-2 *** Repeat 11 ***
            15-Sep to 27-Sep Figueroa, M Compassionate Leave
            15-Sep to 26-Oct Koren Foot injury
M.521-Sep away Newcastle2-34-4-2In:Rosenior, Quinn, Out:Figueroa, Koren,
            22-Sep to 30-Nov Chester Hamstring injury
            28-Sep to 19-Oct Brady, R Hernia
M.628-Sep West Ham1-04-2-3-1In:Faye, Figueroa, Out:Chester, Quinn,
October 2013
M.705-Oct A.Villa0-04-4-2In:Quinn, Out:Brady,
            19-Oct to 01-Feb Aluko Achilles injury
            19-Oct to 09-Nov Graham Knee injury
M.819-Oct away Everton2-14-4-2In:Brady, Out:Quinn,
            20-Oct to 02-Nov Faye, Abdo (1978) Calf injury
            20-Oct to 23-Nov McGregor, A Thigh injury
M.927-Oct away Tottenham1-05-4-1In:Harper, Bruce, McShane, Meyler, Boyd, G, Sagbo, Out:McGregor, Faye, Livermore, Brady, Graham, Aluko,
November 2013
M.1002-Nov Sunderland1-04-5-1In:Livermore, Out:Bruce,
            03-Nov to 23-Nov Brady, R Hernia
M.1109-Nov away Southmptn4-15-3-2 *** Repeat 11 ***
            10-Nov to 28-Dec Quinn, S Hamstring injury
            23-Nov to 08-Dec McShane, P (1986) Hamstring injury
M.1223-Nov C Palace0-14-2-3-1In:McGregor, Koren, Brady, Out:Harper, Rosenior, Meyler,
December 2013
M.1301-Dec Liverpool3-13-5-1-1In:Bruce, Meyler, Out:McShane, Boyd, G,
M.1404-Dec away Arsenal2-03-5-2In:Chester, Graham, Out:Davies, Koren,
M.1509-Dec away Swansea1-13-5-2In:Davies, Out:Brady,
M.1614-Dec Stoke City0-03-5-2 *** Repeat 11 ***
            15-Dec to 28-Jan Brady, R Groin injury
M.1721-Dec away West Brom1-15-3-2 *** Repeat 11 ***
M.1826-Dec Man.Utd2-33-5-2 *** Repeat 11 ***
M.1928-Dec Fulham6-04-2-3-1In:Rosenior, Koren, Boyd, G, Out:Bruce, Meyler, Graham,
January 2014
M.2001-Jan away Liverpool2-03-5-1-1In:Bruce, Meyler, Out:Rosenior, Boyd, G,
            02-Jan to 10-Jan Fryatt Hamstring injury
            04-Jan to 24-Jan McShane, P (1986) Ankle injury
M.2111-Jan Chelsea0-24-5-1In:Boyd, G, Out:Koren,
            18-Jan to 22-Feb Chester Hamstring injury
M.2218-Jan away Norwich C1-03-4-1-2In:Rosenior, Koren, Jelavić, Out:Figueroa, Meyler, Boyd, G,
            28-Jan to 14-Feb McGregor, A Red Card Ban (3 matches)
M.2328-Jan away C Palace1-03-5-2In:McShane, Meyler, Long, Out:Chester, Koren, Sagbo,
February 2014
            31-Jan to 01-Feb Livermore, J Ineligible to play against parent club
M.2401-Feb Tottenham1-14-4-2In:Harper, Figueroa, Brady, Out:McGregor, Bruce, Livermore,
            08-Feb to 21-Feb Rosenior Hamstring injury
M.2508-Feb away Sunderland0-24-4-2In:Livermore, Out:Brady,
            11-Feb to 10-May McShane, P (1986) Ankle injury
M.2611-Feb Southmptn0-13-5-2In:Bruce, Out:Rosenior,
            22-Feb to 01-Mar Bruce Knock
            22-Feb to 01-Mar Huddlestone Knock
M.2722-Feb away Cardiff0-43-5-2In:McGregor, Rosenior, Out:Harper, McShane,
            23-Feb to 01-Mar Rosenior Knock
March 2014
            01-Mar to 14-Mar Livermore, J Thigh injury
M.2801-Mar Newcastle1-43-5-2 *** Repeat 11 ***
M.3015-Mar Man.City0-24-4-2In:Chester, Out:Bruce,
            16-Mar to 04-Apr Boyd, G Fa Conduct Charge (3 matches)
M.3122-Mar West Brom2-03-4-1-2In:Aluko, Out:Figueroa,
M.2926-Mar away West Ham2-13-5-2In:Bruce, Figueroa, Out:Rosenior, Aluko,
            27-Mar to 18-Apr McGregor, A Red card ban (2 matches)
M.3229-Mar away Stoke City1-03-5-2In:Harper, Rosenior, Out:McGregor, Figueroa,
April 2014
M.3305-Apr Swansea1-04-4-2In:Figueroa, Boyd, G, Out:Bruce, Hudd'ne,
            14-Apr to 26-Apr Aluko Hamstring injury
            20-Apr to 26-Apr Long Calf injury
M.3520-Apr Arsenal0-34-4-2In:McGregor, Hudd'ne, Out:Harper, Figueroa,
M.3626-Apr away Fulham2-23-5-2In:Harper, Bruce, Out:McGregor, Boyd, G,
May 2014
M.3703-May away A.Villa3-13-5-2In:Figueroa, Out:Bruce,
M.3406-May away Man.Utd3-13-4-2-1In:Jaku'c, Bruce, Quinn, Koren, Boyd, G, Out:Harper, Chester, Livermore, Hudd'ne, Jelavić,
M.3811-May Everton0-24-4-2In:McGregor, McShane, Livermore, Hudd'ne, Jelavić, Aluko, Out:Jaku'c, Meyler, Rosenior, Koren, Boyd, G, Long,
    Color References:     GK, DF, DM, MF, FW , Unknown Pos

    England FA Premier League 2013/2014

A.Villa - Arsenal - C Palace - Cardiff - Chelsea - Everton - Fulham - Hull City - Liverpool - Man.City - Man.Utd - Newcastle - Norwich C - Southmptn - Stoke City - Sunderland - Swansea - Tottenham - West Brom - West Ham