England Leicester City

King Power Stadium, Leicester

Go to Tournament - Season

Leicester City

The Foxes


Last Visitors Ratings:
playerFRMbappé4.2 (44)
match Liverpool - PSG5.0 (1)
coachNLHofland5.0 (1)
coachNLUltee5.0 (6)
coachNLvan der Sloot, M5.0 (1)

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Top goal scorers of Leicester City for The Championship 2010/2011



    Player Position Goals (total)Penalties
    MF 34 45% 4 67%
    FW 28 37% 2 33%
    DF 14 18% - 0%


Total number of games: 46
Total goals: 76
Average per game: 1.65
Own goals: 0

    Min. of gameGoals (total)Penalties
    46-80 35 46% 4 67%
    16-45 20 26% 1 17%
    First 15 11 14% - 0%
    last 15 10 13% 1 17%

Number of games with 0 goals10
Number of games with 1 goals13
Number of games with 2 goals13
Number of games with 3 goals4
Number of games with 4 goals5
Number of games with 5 goals1

    Goals Assist from
TotalPenaltiesPen.MissFree KicksHeadersRest
    Wales King, A15---312
    NG Yakubu11----11
    Scotland Gallagher104-3-3
    England Naughton5----5
    England Waghorn4----4
    England Vassell4----4
    England Howard, S421--2
    England Dyer, L3----3
    IL Miguel Vítor3---21
    England Oakley2----2
    England Fryatt2----2
    CI Bamba2----2
    SN Kamara, D2----2
    NL Bruma, J2----2
    England Wellens, R2---11
    England Campbell, DJ1----1
    NL van Aanholt1----1
    JP Abe, Y1----1
    CH Berner1---1-
    BE Moussa, F1----1
76 6 1 3760

    Assists TotalTo
    England Wellens, R9 4 King, 2 Gallagher, 1 Bamba, Moussa, Yakubu,
    Scotland Gallagher7 3 King, 1 Yakubu, Naughton, Waghorn, M Vítor,
    Wales King, A5 1 Naughton, Howard, v Aanholt, Abe, Waghorn,
    NG Yakubu5 2 King, 1 Kamara, Bamba, Dyer,
    England Howard, S3 2 Fryatt, 1 Campbell,
    England Vassell3 2 Yakubu, 1 King,
    JP Abe, Y2 1 Bruma, Gallagher,
    England Dyer, L2 1 Yakubu, Vassell,
    England Mee2 1 Bruma, M Vítor,
    England Oakley1 1 Waghorn,
    Scotland Neilson1 1 Howard,
    CH Berner1 1 Wellens,
    CZ Bednář1 1 King,
    England Naughton1 1 Vassell,
    FR N'Guessan, D1 1 King,
    CI Bamba1 1 Yakubu,
    England Waghorn1 1 M Vítor,



    Player Position Goals (total)Penalties
    FW 38 54% 1 17%
    MF 27 38% 4 67%
    DF 6 8% 1 17%


Total number of games: 46
Total goals: 71
Average per game: 1.54
Own goals: 0

    Min. of gameGoals (total)Penalties
    16-45 24 34% - 0%
    46-80 23 32% 5 83%
    First 15 12 17% 1 17%
    last 15 12 17% - 0%

Number of games with 0 goals10
Number of games with 1 goals15
Number of games with 2 goals11
Number of games with 3 goals8
Number of games with 4 goals1
Number of games with 6 goals1

TotalPenaltiesPen.MissFree KicksHeadersRest
    IE Hoolahan31--11
    TT Scotland2----2
    England Nugent2----2
    England Sordell2----2
    England Kitson2----2
    NL Emnes2----2
    England Sinclair, S2----2
    Scotland Mackie, J2---11
    IE Yeates2--1-1
    IE Lawrence21---1
    Scotland Alexander, G11----
    England Henry, J1----1
    Northen Ireland O'Connor, Michael (1985)1---1-
    IE Scannell, S1----1
    England Miller, I1----1
    Scotland Clarkson1----1
    IS Sigurðsson, G1----1
    England Smith, Jack11----
    SI Koren1----1
    ML Kébé1----1
    CI Zaha1----1
    CI Gradel1---1-
    England Holt11----
    England Eustace1----1
    England Brooker1----1
    England Mills, M1---1-
    England Mellis1----1
    AR Becchio1---1-
    JM McAnuff1----1
    England Ambrose1----1
    Scotland Snodgrass1----1
    England Brown, Michael (1977)1----1
    England Wilbraham1----1
    England Buckley, W1----1
    England Leadbitter11----
    England Platt1---1-
    JM Elliott, M1----1
    IE Hunt, Noel1----1
    IE Lee, Alan1----1
    Wales Morison1-1--1
    Wales Crofts1----1
    AU Williams, Rhys (1988)1----1
    England Graham1---1-
    England Wickham1----1
    England Naylor1----1
    Wales Ramsey1----1
    England Tudgay1---1-
    Scotland Wallace, Ross1----1
    England Puncheon1----1
    England Sharp1----1
    England Chopra1----1
    Wales Earnshaw1----1
    Scotland Iwelumo1---1-
    CA Hume1----1
    England Drury, Adam (1978)1----1
    Scotland McManus1---1-
    England Norris1----1
    JM King, Marlon1----1
    England Pitman1----1
    England McKenna, P1----1
    AR Arca--1---
71 6 2 11153

    England The Championship 2010/2011

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