BR Nacional-MG

Soares de Azevedo, Muriaé, Minas Gerais

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Nac N Serrana

Last Visitors Ratings:
match Portsmth - Leeds5.0 (1)
playerPTCristiano Ronaldo4.5 (421)
coachEnglandLivermore5.0 (11)
coachEnglandLivermore5.0 (11)
coachEnglandLivermore5.0 (11)

Players on this club:
From To Player
25-Apr-2230-Jun-22MF     BR Ibson
01-Jan-1530-Nov-15MF     BR Walter, Minhoca
01-Jan-1530-Jun-16MF     BR Mello
01-Jun-1430-Nov-14DF     BR Claudio Luiz
01-Feb-1430-Mar-14GK     BR Paulo Vitor, FS
01-Jan-1414-Feb-14FW     BR Bruno Matos
01-Jan-1430-Jun-14MF     BR Cardoso, A
01-Jan-1430-Jun-14GK     BR João Carlos, H
01-Jan-14DF     BR Américo
01-Jan-1330-Mar-13FW     BR Emerson Carioca
01-Jan-1330-Apr-13DF     BR Luizão
01-Jan-1330-Jun-13DF     BR Wellington, Reis
01-Jan-1330-Jun-13MF     BR Maranhão, W
01-Jan-1330-Jun-13FW     BR Kanu, E
01-Jan-1313-May-13MF     BR Caleb
01-Jan-1328-Feb-13MF     BR Walter, Minhoca
01-Jan-1330-Apr-13FW     BR Vanderlei
01-Jul-1231-Dec-12FW     BR Thiaguinho, SM
01-May-1230-Dec-13DF     BR Claudio Luiz
18-Jan-1215-May-12MF     BR Pablo, LdL
11-Jan-12FW     BR Reinaldo Alagoano
01-Jan-1230-Apr-12DF     BR Luizão
01-Jan-1230-Jun-12DF     BR Gil Bahia
01-Jan-1230-Dec-12MF     BR Jean Cleber
01-Jan-1230-Apr-12GK     BR Victor Souza
01-Jan-1230-Apr-12DF     BR Rodrigo Fernandes, (1986)
01-Jan-1230-Jun-12DF     BR Wellington, Reis
01-Jan-1230-Jun-12DF     BR Gabriel Araújo
01-Jan-1230-Jun-12MF     BR Bruninho
01-Jan-1231-Dec-13DF     BR Thiago Santos, (1989)
01-Jan-1230-Dec-12MF     BR Eber, H
01-Jan-1231-Dec-12GK     BR Douglas Pires
10-Nov-1120-Sep-12MF     BR Caleb
01-Nov-1130-Jun-12FW     BR Sebá
10-Aug-1131-Dec-11DF     BR Elsinho
01-Aug-1130-Dec-11FW     BR Wellington Amorim
01-Jul-1130-Jun-12FW     BR Kerlon
01-Jul-1131-Dec-11FW     BR Fabinho Alves
01-Jan-1131-Jul-11MF     BR Sandro Manoel
01-Jan-1130-Jun-11FW     BR Sebá

Coaches on this club:
From To Coach
31-Oct-1326-Jan-14     BR Tuca Guimarães
08-Dec-1127-Feb-12     BR Emerson Avila
03-Oct-1130-Jun-13     BR Grasseli

Last Database Changes related to this team:
Date UserOperationData

Team Edit History:
Date UserOperationData
18-Jan-22 22:44 davidrd7  Add Team to Stadium BR Soares de Azevedo / Nacional-MG
31-Jul-11 10:38 FL  Team Home Jersey  BR Nacional-MG (you may need ctrl-f5)
31-Jul-11 10:38 FL  New Team BR Nacional-MG

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