AU Newcastle Jets

Hunter Stadium, Newcastle, NSW

For Reserves see Newcastle Jets Youth

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Newcastle Jets



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Sun Mar.16 - A-League - Newc Jets vs West Utd - Your Prediction?

Newcastle Jets Used Players at A-League 2022/2023

26 LineUp(s) found - Counting starting lineups and substitutions.    
    AU Thurgate MF Box-to-Box midfielder26
    AU Hoffman MF Right-midfield/Left-midfield25
    MT AU Buhagiar, T FW Striker/Right-wing25
    NZ AU Ingham, D DF Either side back24
    England Jenkinson DF Right-back/Centre-back23
    AU Grozos MF 23
    GE Mikeltadze FW Striker/Either side wing23
    AU Sotirio FW Either side wing/Striker23
    AU Jurman DF Centre-back20
    AU Natta DF Centre-back20
    IQ AU Al-Taay MF Defensive midfielder/Centre-back18
    GE Dartsmelia MF Defensive midfielder18
    AU Piscopo, R FW Left-wing18
    AU Duncan, J GK 16
    AU O'Neill, B MF Defensive midfielder16
    AU Stynes MF Attacking midfielder/Right-midfield16
    AU Timmins, C MF 13
    AU Aquilina, Thomas in 07-FebDF Right-back11
    AU Weier GK 10
    NZ McGarry, J Out 05-FebDF Left-back10
    AU Elsey Out 22-JanDF Centre-back9
    AU Goodwin, Archie FW Striker8
    JP Saito, Manabu in 24-JanFW Left-wing/Right-wing8
    AU Čančar in 08-FebDF Centre-back3
    AU Adus MF 1
    AU James, N GK 0

    25 players used

    AU A-League 2022/2023

Adel Utd - Bris Roar - Centl Cst - Macarthur - Melb City - Melb Vic - Newc Jets - Perth Gl. - Sydney FC - Well'ton - West Syd - West Utd