CL Ñublense

Nelson Oyarzún, Chillán, Ñuble

Go to Tournament - Season


Diablos Rojos


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coachNLvan der Sloot, M5.0 (1)

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Ñublense Used Players at Primera División 2025

4 LineUp(s) found - Counting starting lineups and substitutions.    
    UY Pérez, AN GK 4
    AR Graciani, Gabriel (1993) MF Right-midfield4
    CL Reyes, Lorenzo MF Box-to-Box midfielder4
    CL Sánchez, Pedro FW Right-wing/Attacking midfielder4
    AR Sosa, Gonzalo FW Striker4
    CL Bosso, O DF Centre-back/Defensive midfielder3
    AR Calderón, P DF Centre-back3
    CL Cerezo, B DF Right-back/Centre-back3
    CL González, Rodrigo (1995) DF Right-back/Right-midfield3
    CL Sanhueza, Diego DF Left-back/Right-back3
    AR Mateos, F MF 3
    CL Plaza, Matías MF Attacking midfielder/Left-midfield3
    CL Rozas, I MF 3
    CL Valencia, Esteban (1999) MF Either side midfield/Box-to-Box midfielder3
    CL Molina, Lucas (2006) FW Either side wing3
    CL Oyarzo, B FW 3
    CL Rodríguez, Martín (1994) FW Left-wing/Right-wing3
    CL Campusano, J DF Left-back/Midfielder2
    CL Labrín DF Centre-back/Right-back2
    CL Rubio, P FW Striker/Either side wing2
    CL Tapia, Diego GK 0
    CL Valencia, S (2000) DF Centre-back0

    20 players used

    CL Primera División 2025

Audax - Ñublense - Cobresal - Colo Colo - Coquimbo - Everton - Huachipato - Iquique - La Calera - La Serena - Limache - OHiggins - Palestino - U.C. - U.Chile - Unión