England Rotherham United

New York Stadium, Rotherham

Go to Tournament - Season

Rotherham United

The Millers


Last Visitors Ratings:
playerBRRaphinha3.6 (8)
refereeITCorletto5.0 (2)
match O. Caldas - Millos2.0 (1)
coachITBrocchi5.0 (5)
coachITBrocchi5.0 (5)

Sat Mar.15 - League One - Rotherham vs Exeter - Your Prediction?

Rotherham United Used Players at League One 2024/2025

35 LineUp(s) found - Counting starting lineups and substitutions.    
    England Powell, Joe MF Box-to-Box midfielder35
    England James, Reece (1993) DF Left-back33
    England Odoffin MF Defensive midfielder/Right-back33
    England Nombe FW Striker32
    England Wilks FW Striker30
    England Humphreys, Cameron (1998) DF Centre-back29
    England Phillips, Dillon GK 27
    IE Rafferty, J DF Right-back27
    England Hugill FW Striker24
    England Clarke-Harris FW Striker23
    Scotland Jules, Z DF Centre-back/Left-back21
    England McWilliams, S MF 19
    England Holmes, Jack (2001) MF Right-midfield/Right-wing18
    England Bramall Out 30-JanDF Left-back/Left-midfield16
    Scotland McCart Out 28-FebDF Centre-back16
    Scotland England MacDonald, Alex MF Either side midfield/Box-to-Box midfielder15
    CI FR Tiéhi MF Defensive midfielder15
    England Green, Andre FW Left-wing/Right-wing12
    England Hungbo Out 02-JanFW Either side wing12
    Scotland Kelly MF Defensive midfielder11
    England Sibley, L in 24-JanMF Attacking midfielder10
    England Raggett DF Centre-back9
    England Dawson, Cameron GK 8
    CD England Mpanzu in 03-FebMF Box-to-Box midfielder7
    England Osong Out 02-JanFW Striker6
    IE NG Kayode, J in 12-JanFW Striker/Right-midfield4
    Northen Ireland England McGuckin, C in 25-Oct Out 06-JanFW Striker3
    England Gore, D in 31-JanMF Box-to-Box midfielder1
    England Hull DF Centre-back0
    England Duncan, H MF 0
    England Gardner, Dean in 01-JanFW 0
    England Hatton, B FW 0

    28 players used

    England League One 2024/2025

Barnsley - Birminghm - Blackpool - Bolton - Bristol R - Burton - Cambridge - Charlton - Crawley - Exeter - Huddersfd - L Orient - Lincoln C - Mansfield - Northmptn - Peterboro - Reading - Rotherham - Shrewsbry - Stevenage - Stockport - Wigan - Wrexham - Wycombe