PT Maria da Fonte

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Last Visitors Ratings:
playerFRMbappé4.2 (44)
match Liverpool - PSG5.0 (1)
coachNLHofland5.0 (1)
coachNLUltee5.0 (6)
coachNLvan der Sloot, M5.0 (1)

Players on this club:
From To Player
01-Jul-1830-Jun-19MF     CV João Paulo, MF
01-Jul-1830-Jun-19FW     CV João Paulino
01-Jul-1230-Jun-13MF     PT Pedro Nunes
01-Jul-1030-Jun-11GK     PT Rui Vieira
01-Jul-0831-Dec-08DF     PT Nuno Ribeiro
01-Sep-0730-Jun-08FW     PT Orlando Sa
01-Jul-0730-Jun-08DF     PT Micael
01-Jul-0430-Jun-06FW     PT Feliciano

Coaches on this club:
From To Coach
04-Feb-1907-Apr-19     PT Pedro Duarte

Last Database Changes related to this team:
Date UserOperationData

Team Edit History:
Date UserOperationData
25-Sep-09 23:34 FL  Team Home Jersey  PT Maria da Fonte (you may need ctrl-f5)
25-Sep-09 23:33 FL  New Team PT Maria da Fonte

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