BR São Paulo

Morumbi, São Paulo

Go to Tournament - Season

São Paulo



Last Visitors Ratings:
playerBRRaphinha3.6 (8)
refereeITCorletto5.0 (2)
match O. Caldas - Millos2.0 (1)
coachITBrocchi5.0 (5)
coachITBrocchi5.0 (5)

São Paulo Yellow and Red Cards in Brasileirao 2024

Sent off MinGame
BR Igor Vinícius9917-Jul-24 São Paulo 1 - Grêmio Porto Alegre 0
AR Franco, Alan5811-Jul-24 Atlético Mineiro 2 - São Paulo 1
BR Luciano, Neves9618-Aug-24 Palmeiras 2 - São Paulo 1

Points convention: Red Cards 3 points, Yellow Cards 1 point
List generated automatically from posted lineups

DetailRed CardsYellow CardsPoints
BR Luciano, Neves11215
BR Igor Vinícius169
AR Franco, Alan158
BR Welington-66
AR Calleri-66
BR Alisson-55
BR Ferreira, Aldemir-44
BR Luiz Gustavo, (1987)-44
BR Lucas Moura-44
UY Michel Araújo-44
BR Sabino, Ch-33
PY Bobadilla, D-33
EC Arboleda, R-33
BR André Silva, (1997)-33
BR Erick, Serafim-33
BR Wellington Rato-33
BR Rafinha-22
VE Ferraresi, N-22
AR Galoppo, G-22
BR Rodrigo Nestor-22
BR Diego Costa, (1999)-22
BR Rafael, Monteiro-11
BR Liziero-11
BR Ruan, TN-11
BR Patryck-11
BR William Gomes-11
                       Totals     (League Totals)38998

Red cards conceded against São Paulo

Sent off
BR André Ramalho
BR Leonardo Linck
BR Marlon, Xavier
BR Wagner Leonardo
BR Luis Felipe, (1993)
BR Fagner
BR Hércules
BR João Caetano
BR Gabriel Barros

    BR Brasileirão 2024

At.-MG - At.-PR - Atl-GO - Bahia - Botafogo - Cor hians - Criciúma - Cruzeiro - Cuiabá - Flamengo - Fluminense - Fortaleza - Grêmio - Inter - Juventude - Palmeiras - RB Braga - São Paulo - Vasco - Vitória