BR São Paulo

Morumbi, São Paulo

Go to Tournament - Season

São Paulo



Last Visitors Ratings:
playerBRRaphinha3.6 (8)
refereeITCorletto5.0 (2)
match O. Caldas - Millos2.0 (1)
coachITBrocchi5.0 (5)
coachITBrocchi5.0 (5)

São Paulo Used Players at Brasileirão 2024

38 LineUp(s) found - Counting starting lineups and substitutions.    
    BR Luciano, Neves FW Striker/Attacking midfielder31
    BR Igor Vinícius DF Right-back30
    BR André Silva, (1997) FW Striker30
    BR Luiz Gustavo, (1987) MF Defensive midfielder/Centre-back28
    BR Lucas Moura FW Right-wing28
    EC Arboleda, R DF Centre-back27
    AR Calleri FW Striker27
    AR Franco, Alan DF Centre-back26
    BR Ferreira, Aldemir FW Left-wing/Attacking midfielder26
    BR Rafael, Monteiro GK 25
    BR Rodrigo Nestor MF Box-to-Box midfielder25
    BR Wellington Rato MF Attacking midfielder25
    BR Welington DF Left-back22
    BR Alisson MF Attacking midfielder21
    UY Michel Araújo MF 20
    BR Erick, Serafim FW Right-wing/Left-wing19
    PY Bobadilla, D MF 18
    VE Ferraresi, N DF Centre-back14
    BR Diego Costa, (1999) Out 16-JulMF Defensive midfielder/Centre-back14
    BR Jandrei GK 13
    BR Sabino, Ch DF Centre-back13
    AR Galoppo, G MF Box-to-Box midfielder13
    BR Marcos Antônio, (2000) in 23-JulMF Box-to-Box midfielder/Right-back13
    BR Patryck DF Left-back12
    BR William Gomes FW 11
    BR Juan, Santos Out 15-AugFW 10
    BR Rafinha DF Right-back/Left-back9
    BR Liziero in 01-JulMF Defensive midfielder9
    BR Ruan, TN in 12-AugDF Centre-back8
    Northen Ireland England Lewis, Jamal in 02-SepDF Left-back/Left-midfield6
    PT João Moreira, S DF 5
    BR Rodriguinho, Mendonça MF 4
    AR Longo, Santiago in 01-SepMF Defensive midfielder3
    BR Pablo Maia MF Defensive midfielder3
    CO James Out 25-AugMF Attacking midfielder/Either side wing2
    BR Igão DF Centre-back1
    BR Henrique, FdC FW 1
    BR Ryan Francisco in 01-JulFW 1
    BR Leandro Mathias GK 0
    BR Young, NM GK 0
    BR Matheus Belém DF Centre-back0
    BR Lucas Ferreira in 01-JulMF 0

    38 players used

    BR Brasileirão 2024

At.-MG - At.-PR - Atl-GO - Bahia - Botafogo - Cor hians - Criciúma - Cruzeiro - Cuiabá - Flamengo - Fluminense - Fortaleza - Grêmio - Inter - Juventude - Palmeiras - RB Braga - São Paulo - Vasco - Vitória