Scotland St Mirren

St Mirren Park, Paisley

Go to Tournament - Season

St Mirren

The Buddies


Last Visitors Ratings:
match Junior - Millos3.0 (1)
My Line-upANacional by Jesus
My Line-upJunior by Jesus
match Getafe - A.Madrid3.0 (1)
coachITBrocchi5.0 (6)

Sat Mar.15 - Scottish Premiership - Mothrwell vs St Mirren - Your Prediction?

St Mirren Analysis at SPL 2010/2011

38 lineups analysed - Number represent player in starting lineup - Lineups not confirmed are not included.


Scotland Gallacher (27)
Scotland Samson, C (11)

Right backs [ ?]

IE van Zanten (17)
Scotland McAusland (13)
Scotland Barron (3)
Scotland Mair (1)
Centre backs [ ?]

Scotland Potter (32)
Scotland McGregor (31)
Scotland Mair (19)
Scotland McAusland (11)
Left backs [ ?]

SI Travner (29)
Scotland McGregor (2)
Scotland Mair (2)
Scotland Barron (1)
Right midfielders

Scotland Thomson, S (8)
IE van Zanten (8)
Scotland McGowan (8)
Scotland Lynch (4)
Scotland Murray, H (4)
Scotland Brady (2)
IE Cregg (2)
AU Mooy, A (1)
Scotland McLean (1)
Centre midfielders

IE Cregg (16)
Scotland Thomson, S (13)
Scotland Murray, H (12)
IE Goodwin (10)
Scotland Lynch (4)
AU Mooy, A (3)
Scotland McLean (3)
Scotland McGregor (2)
Scotland McGowan (1)
Left midfielders

SI Travner (6)
Scotland McLean (6)
IE Goodwin (6)
Scotland Murray, H (5)
Scotland McGowan (4)
Scotland Thomson, S (4)
Scotland Robb (2)
AU Mooy, A (2)
Scotland Brady (1)
England Hegarty, N (1)
Scotland McGregor (1)

England Higdon (26)
Scotland McGowan (20)
Scotland Wardlaw (16)
Scotland Dargo (14)
Scotland Robb (1)
England Hegarty, N (1)
AU Mooy, A (1)
See also Injured/Banned players and Substitutions

Lineups found             Starting lineup changes since last game
    Coach Lennon, D since 07-Jun-10
M.114-Aug Dundee U1-14-4-2
M.222-Aug away Celtic4-04-2-3-1In:Mair, Brady, Dargo, Out:Thomson, Wardlaw, McGowan,
M.329-Aug Hibernian1-05-3-2In:McAusland, McGowan, Wardlaw, Out:v Zanten, Lynch, Robb,
M.411-Sep away Kilmarnck2-15-3-2In:Thomson, Out:Dargo,
M.518-Sep away St Johnst2-13-4-3In:v Zanten, Lynch, Robb, Hegarty, Out:McAusland, Thomson, Brady, McGowan,
M.625-Sep Inverness1-24-4-2In:McGowan, Out:Robb,
M.702-Oct away Mothrwell3-14-4-2In:Samson, Cregg, Higdon, Out:Gallacher, Lynch, Hegarty,
M.816-Oct Hamilton2-24-4-2 *** Repeat 11 ***
M.923-Oct away Hearts3-04-4-2In:McAusland, McLean, Out:v Zanten, Mair,
M.1030-Oct Aberdeen2-13-5-2In:v Zanten, Mooy, A, Out:Murray, McLean,
M.1107-Nov Rangers1-35-3-2In:Murray, Out:Higdon,
M.1210-Nov away Dundee U1-25-3-2In:Higdon, Out:Mooy, A,
M.1314-Nov Celtic0-15-3-2In:Lynch, McLean, Out:Murray, McGowan,
M.1420-Nov Mothrwell1-14-4-2In:McGowan, Out:Lynch,
M.1527-Nov away Hamilton0-05-3-2In:Mooy, A, Thomson, Out:McLean, Higdon,
M.1611-Dec St Johnst1-23-4-1-2In:Higdon, Out:Mooy, A,
M.1826-Dec away Inverness1-25-3-2In:Gallacher, Barron, Dargo, Out:Samson, v Zanten, Wardlaw,
M.1929-Dec Hearts0-25-3-2In:v Zanten, Lynch, Out:Barron, Dargo,
M.2003-Jan Kilmarnck0-23-4-1-2In:Mair, Dargo, Out:Potter, Thomson,
M.2115-Jan away Aberdeen2-05-3-2In:Potter, Goodwin, Thomson, Out:McAusland, Cregg, Higdon,
M.2222-Jan away St Johnst0-05-3-2In:McAusland, Cregg, Higdon, Out:v Zanten, Lynch, Dargo,
M.2326-Jan Dundee U1-15-3-2 *** Repeat 11 ***
M.2502-Feb away Hibernian2-05-3-2 *** Repeat 11 ***
M.2612-Feb Inverness3-34-4-2In:v Zanten, Murray, Dargo, Out:Travner, Cregg, Goodwin,
M.2720-Feb Hibernian0-14-4-2In:Travner, Goodwin, Out:Mair, v Zanten,
M.2423-Feb away Mothrwell0-14-4-2In:v Zanten, Out:Higdon,
M.2826-Feb away Kilmarnck2-04-4-2In:Higdon, Out:McGowan,
M.2906-Mar Rangers0-14-5-1In:Mair, McGowan, McLean, Out:McAusland, McGregor, Dargo,
M.3019-Mar away Hearts3-24-2-3-1In:McAusland, McGregor, Mooy, A, Out:v Zanten, Potter, Murray,
M.3102-Apr Hamilton3-14-4-2In:v Zanten, Murray, Out:McAusland, Mooy, A,
M.3306-Apr Aberdeen3-24-3-3In:Potter, Mooy, A, Dargo, Out:Mair, Goodwin, McLean,
M.3209-Apr away Celtic1-04-5-1In:McAusland, Mair, McLean, Cregg, Goodwin, Out:v Zanten, Travner, Mooy, A, McGowan, Dargo,
M.1716-Apr away Rangers2-14-4-2In:v Zanten, Travner, Mooy, A, Dargo, McGowan, Out:McAusland, Mair, McLean, Murray, Higdon,
M.3424-Apr away Hibernian1-14-4-2In:Mair, Murray, McLean, Out:Potter, Cregg, Mooy, A,
M.3502-May Hamilton0-14-3-3In:Higdon, Out:McLean,
M.3607-May away Inverness1-04-3-3In:McAusland, Barron, McLean, Out:v Zanten, Travner, Murray,
M.3710-May away Aberdeen0-14-3-3In:Potter, Travner, Wardlaw, Out:McAusland, McLean, Dargo,
M.3814-May St Johnst0-05-3-2In:Samson, McAusland, Mooy, A, McLean, Out:Gallacher, McGregor, Goodwin, Wardlaw,
    Color References:     GK, DF, DM, MF, FW , Unknown Pos

    Scotland SPL 2010/2011

Aberdeen - Celtic - Dundee U - Hamilton - Hearts - Hibernian - Inverness - Kilmarnck - Mothrwell - Rangers - St Johnst - St Mirren