England Stevenage

Broadhall Way, Stevenage

Go to Tournament - Season


The Boro


Last Visitors Ratings:
playerBRRaphinha3.6 (8)
refereeITCorletto5.0 (2)
match O. Caldas - Millos2.0 (1)
coachITBrocchi5.0 (5)
coachITBrocchi5.0 (5)

Tue Mar.11 - League One - Birminghm vs Stevenage - Your Prediction?

Stevenage Analysis at League Trophy 2024/2025

6 lineups analysed - Number represent player in starting lineup - Lineups not confirmed are not included.


England Ashby-Hammond (5)
AU Bouzanis (1)

Right backs [ ?]

England Smith, Kane (3)
England Freeman, N (2)
Centre backs [ ?]

England Freestone, L (4)
England Goode (2)
England Thompson, N (2)
England Piergianni (2)
England Sweeney, D (2)
AG James-Wildin (1)
Left backs [ ?]

England Butler, Dan (2)
England Freestone, L (2)
England Smith, Kane (1)
Right midfielders

England Smith, Kane (1)
England Aboh (1)
England Doherty, Ryan (2008) (1)
England Freeman, N (1)
England Kemp, D (1)
England Roberts, Jordan (1)
Centre midfielders

England White, Harvey (4)
England Freeman, N (2)
England Kemp, D (2)
Wales King, E (2)
Wales Thompson, L (2)
England Thompson, B (1)
TT Phillips, DS (1)
Left midfielders

England Young, Jake (2)
England Butler, Dan (1)
England White, Harvey (1)
England Roberts, Jordan (1)
England List (1)

England Simpson, TT (3)
England Young, Jake (3)
England List (2)
England Kemp, D (1)
Scotland Pressley, A (1)
Scotland Appéré (1)
See also Injured/Banned players and Substitutions

Lineups found             Starting lineup changes since last game
    Coach Revell since 17-Apr-24
M.120-Aug C Palace1-03-4-2-1
M.208-Oct away Peterboro2-04-2-3-1In:Ashb'nd, Pier'ni, Freeman, Aboh, Young, Out:Bouzanis, Goode, Thompson, Thompson, List,
M.312-Nov Gillinghm1-14-3-3In:Thompson, Doherty, King, E, List, Pressley, Out:Pier'ni, Butler, Aboh, Kemp, D, Simpson,
M.410-Dec away Burton0-44-4-2In:Jame'in, Butler, Phillips, Roberts, Simpson, Out:Thompson, Doherty, White, List, Pressley,
M.521-Jan away L Orient0-14-2-3-1In:Sweeney, Goode, Thompson, White, Kemp, D, Appéré, Out:Jame'in, Butler, King, E, Phillips, Roberts, Simpson,
M.604-Feb Birminghm0-14-2-3-1In:Pier'ni, Roberts, List, Out:Smith, Goode, Appéré,
    Color References:     GK, DF, DM, MF, FW , Unknown Pos

    England League Trophy 2024/2025

A.Villa - Accringtn - Arsenal - Barnsley - Barrow - Birminghm - Blackpool - Bolton - Bradford - Brighton - Bristol R - Bromley - Burton - C Palace - Cambridge - Carlisle - Charlton - Chelsea - Cheltnham - Chesterfd - Colchestr - Crawley - Crewe - Doncaster - Everton - Exeter - Fleetwood - Fulham - Gillinghm - Grimsby - Harrogate - Huddersfd - L Orient - Leicester - Lincoln C - Liverpool - Man.City - Man.Utd - Mansfield - MK Dons - Morecambe - Newcastle - Newport - Northmptn - Not.Forest - Notts Co - Peterboro - Port Vale - Reading - Rotherham - Salford - Shrewsbry - Stevenage - Stockport - Swindon - Tottenham - Tranmere - Walsall - West Ham - Wigan - Wimbledon - Wolves - Wrexham - Wycombe