England Sunderland

Stadium of Light, Sunderland

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Sunderland Used Players at League Trophy 2020/2021

1 LineUp(s) found - Counting starting lineups and substitutions.    
    England Matthews, Remi GK 1
    England Hume, D DF Left-back1
    England O'Nien DF Centre-back/Defensive midfielder1
    England Taylor, Brandon DF Centre-back1
    AU Wright, Bailey DF Centre-back1
    England Dobson, G Out 21-JanMF Defensive midfielder/Centre-back1
    England Neil, D MF Box-to-Box midfielder1
    England Power, M MF Box-to-Box midfielder/Right-back1
    England Diamond, J FW Either side wing/Striker1
    Scotland Maguire, Chris FW Right-wing/Striker1
    England Wyke, Charlie FW Striker/Attacking midfielder1
    England Burge, L GK 0
    England Feeney, M Out 19-JanDF Centre-back0
    Northen Ireland England Flanagan DF Centre-back0
    Northen Ireland McLaughlin, C DF Right-back0
    England Sanderson, D in 16-OctDF Centre-back/Right-back0
    England Willis, Jordan DF Centre-back/Right-back0
    XK Xhemajli in 04-SepDF Centre-back0
    England Younger in 14-SepDF Centre-back0
    England Embleton Out 31-JanMF Box-to-Box midfielder0
    England Leadbitter MF Box-to-Box midfielder0
    England Scowen MF Box-to-Box midfielder0
    US Gooch FW Either side wing/Either side back0
    England Graham in 07-Sep Out 03-FebFW Striker0
    Northen Ireland Grigg Out 31-JanFW Striker/Attacking midfielder0
    IE O'Brien, A FW Striker/Either side wing0

    11 players used

    England League Trophy 2020/2021

A.Villa - Accringtn - Arsenal - Barrow - Blackpool - Bolton - Bradford - Brighton - Bristol R - Burton - Cambridge - Carlisle - Charlton - Chelsea - Cheltnham - Colchestr - Crawley - Crewe - Doncaster - Exeter - Fleetwood - Forest GR - Fulham - Gillinghm - Grimsby - Harrogate - Hull City - Ipswich - L Orient - Leeds - Leicester - Lincoln C - Liverpool - Man.City - Man.Utd - Mansfield - MK Dons - Morecambe - Newcastle - Newport - Northmptn - Norwich C - Oldham - Oxford U - Peterboro - Plymouth - Port Vale - Portsmth - Rochdale - Salford - Scunthorp - Shrewsbry - Southend - Southmptn - Stevenage - Sunderland - Swindon - Tranmere - Walsall - West Brom - West Ham - Wigan - Wimbledon - Wolves