CL Unión San Felipe

Municipal de San Felipe, San Felipe, Valparaíso

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Unión San Felipe

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Fri Mar.14 - Ascenso - S. Felipe vs Copiapó - Your Prediction?

Squad of Unión San Felipe for Copa Chile 2008

Hide players that have left or changed #
# PlayerHeight AgePosition
CL Fernández, Sergio (unk) DF    
CL Olivares, Cristián Out 31dec 27DF    
BR Fortunatti, G Out 31dec 1.7024FW    
AR Domínguez, J 1.7220FW     Striker
CL Pérez, Patricio (1980) 28MF    
AR Araoz 28MF    

From Jul-08 To Nov-09 AR Mariani

Copa Chile 2008 squad         05-Jul-08 / 18-Feb-09

    CL Copa Chile 2008

AF Vial - Antofa - Audax - Ñublense - Barnechea - Bellavista - Cabildo - Cobreloa - Cobresal - Colchagua - Colo Colo - Copiapó - Coquimbo - Coyhaique - Curicó - Everton - Ferro - Huachipato - Iberia - Iquique - La Calera - La Serena - Linares - Lota - Magallane - Malleco - Mejillone - Melipilla - Naval - OHiggins - Ormazábal - Osorno - Ovalle - P. Arenas - P.Montt - Palestino - Pto Aysén - Quilpué - Rangers - S Morning - S. Felipe - S. Marcos - S.Wand - San Luis - Sta. Cruz - Talagante - Temuco - Tocopilla - Trasandin - U. Conce - U. Temuco - U.C. - U.Chile - Unión - Valdivia