IT Vigor Lamezia

Stadio Guido D Ippolito, Lamezia Terme

Go to Tournament - Season

Vigor Lamezia



Last Visitors Ratings:
refereeEnglandHooper1.2 (350)
coachNLde Jong, H3.0 (1)
coachESCalle5.0 (4)
coachESCalle5.0 (4)
coachESCalle5.0 (4)

Vigor Lamezia Injured Players in Lega Pro Girone C 2014/2015

Tournament dates: 29-Aug-14 to 10-May-15

PosPlayer Days From To Injury / Ban
DF HR Kostadinović 243 29-Jan-14 29-Sep-14     8-month ban for unsporting behaviour

To add / edit injuries go to the Player screen

    IT Lega Pro Girone C 2014/2015

ACMessina - Aversa - Barletta - Benevento - Casertana - Catanzaro - Cosenza - Foggia - Ischia - J. Stabia - Lecce - Lupa RM - Martina - Matera - Melfi - Paganese - Reggina - Salerntna - Savoia - V.Lamezia