IT Virtus Verona

Centro Sportivo Gavagnin Nocini, Verona

Go to Tournament - Season

Virtus Verona


Last Visitors Ratings:
playerBRRaphinha3.6 (8)
refereeITCorletto5.0 (2)
match O. Caldas - Millos2.0 (1)
coachITBrocchi5.0 (5)
coachITBrocchi5.0 (5)

Sun Mar.09 - Serie C - Clodiense vs V. Verona - Your Prediction?

Squad Changes between 10-Jun-23 and 09-Jun-24
The list is generated automatically. Please review player profiles if you notice something wrong or missing.

IT ToffaninDF20 in
IT Ambrosi, GFW18 in
NG Odogwu, CFW19 in
IT Mehic, D (2003)MF20 in 07-Jul-23from ITPistoiese
IT LodoviciDF18 in 14-Jul-23
IT CabiancaDF20 in 14-Jul-23
IT MenatoFW22 in 15-Jul-23from ITEste
IT Voltan, MGK21 in 15-Jul-23
IT MetlikaMF21 in 24-Jul-23from ITSangiuliano City
IT ZigoniFW32 in 24-Aug-23from ITJuve Stabia
IT NtubeDF22 in 29-Aug-23from ITAlbinoleffe
CO CeterFW25 in 18-Oct-23from Unattached
IT Amadio, MDF24 in 24-Jan-24from ITRenate
IT Ronco, DDF18 in 01-Feb-24loan from ITComo
NG OjehFW16 in 01-Feb-24

IT Cella, SDF22 out to ITAncona
IT Amadio, MDF24 out to ITRenate
IT MunarettiDF21 out to ITRenate
IT Fabbro, M (1996)FW27 out to Unattached
NO Kristoffersen, JuFW26 out to ITAncona
LT SiaulysGK24 out to ITVirtus Entella
IT GiacomelGK25 out to Unattached
IT Lonardi, LMF24 out to ITSüdtirol-Alto Adige
IT TronchinMF20 out to ITL.R. Vicenza
IT Talarico, RMF21 out to ITL.R. Vicenza
IT CellaiDF19 out 10-Jan-24
IT FaedoDF24 out 24-Jan-24to ITPadova
IT Casarotto, MFW25 out 31-Jan-24to ITVirtus Entella

    IT Serie C 2023/2024

ACMessina - Albinolef - Alessandr - Ancona - Arezzo - Arzignano - Atal. U23 - Avellino - AZPicerno - Benevento - Brindisi - Carrarese - Casertana - Catania - Cerignola - Cesena - Crotone - F enzuola - Fermana - Foggia - Giana - Giugliano - Gubbio - J. Stabia - Juve U23 - Latina - Legnago - LRVicenza - Lucchese - Lumezzane - Mantova - Monopoli - Monterosi - Novara - Olbia - Padova - Per ttese - Perugia - Pescara - Pineto - Pontedera - Potenza - Pro Patria - Pro Sesto - PVercelli - Recan.ese - Renate - Rimini - Sestri L. - Sorrento - Spal - Taranto - Torres - Trento - Triestina - Turris - V. Pesaro - V. Verona - V.Entella - V.Francav