YU ŽFK Spartak Subotica

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ŽFK Spartak Subotica

Blue Doves


Last Visitors Ratings:
match Millos - Tolima3.0 (1)
My Line-upFulham by mutsika Eddie
coachNLvan Zijtveld5.0 (2)
coachNLvan Zijtveld5.0 (2)
My Line-upMan.Utd by Oscar

ŽFK Spartak Subotica Used Players at Womens Champions League 2018/2019

2 LineUp(s) found - Counting starting lineups and substitutions.    
    YU Kostić GK 2
    YU Baka DF 2
    YU Slović DF 2
    YU Vajda DF 2
    YU Frajtović MF 2
    YU Ilić, M MF 2
    YU Matić MF Left-midfield2
    GH Okyere MF 2
    YU Pavlović MF 2
    US Pleuler Out 31-DecMF 2
    BR Tcheury MF 2
    BR Aline, RdC FW 2
    US Hix FW 2
    YU Filipović MF 1
    YU Kričak MF 1
    YU Mihajlović GK 0
    UA Abraham DF 0
    YU Golubović DF 0

    15 players used

    uefa Womens Champions League 2018/2019

A.Madrid - Ajax - Avaldsnes - Þór - Barcelona - Bayern - BIIK - Brøndby - Chelsea - FC Honka - Fiorentina - FK Gintra - Fortuna H - Glasgow - Juventus - Lillstrom - Linköping - Lyon - Man City - PSG - PyrgosLim - Rosengård - Ryazan - Sarajevo - Slavia - Sparta - St Pölten - Subotica - Wolfsburg - Zhytlo-1 - Zurich - Zvezda Pm